Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Not the Greek Athens ...

The Battle of Wisco Michi Athens: Restoring the Rule of Law

The Battle of Athens (sometimes called the McMinn County War) was a rebellion led by citizens in Athens and Etowah,

It is due to truth to say that the citizens of New York showed very little alacrity in responding to the call of the Mayor and Governor for volunteers to suppress the late riot. (Drunken Irish, all) Of 400 muskets which lay idle at the armory of the 37th regiment, only 80 found men to carry them, though urgent appeals for men were made by the authorities and the officers of the regiment. Harpers Weekly,  August 1, 1863
Tennessee, United States, against the local government in August 1946.

The citizens, including some World War II veterans, accused the local officials of political corruption and voter intimidation. The event is sometimes cited by firearms ownership advocates as an example of the value of the Second Amendment in combating tyranny.

I'm rather stunned that I never saw this film, nor heard of the Battle of Athens before Mofux set me the link. Most likely I always dsimissed it as some Greek thing (as I almost did this time).   Interesting comments on YouTube.  Similarly, I'd guess that very few are aware of how the mayor of New York in 1863 dealt with Code Pink draft rioters. Huzzah!

MoFiZiX Gr4FiX


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Rodge, honest to god- you deserve the pulitzer

Anonymous Lurker

Anonymous said...

Those who forget their history , are doomed to repeat it . SMIBSID

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Nah, our rulers remember their history very well--and are repeating the 20's and '30s almost spot-on.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone send a copy of this to that pussyfaced, Piers Morgan?

Hell_Is_Like_Newark said...

A little farther back in history: Another example of people who took up arms against a corrupt, gangster government.


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