scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Bloomberg's Wonderland
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
David said...
Bloombergs schedule for the next two weeks:
Monday - styrofoam
Tuesday - plastic grocery bags
Wednesday - paper grocery bags
Thursday - reusable grocery bags
Friday - groceries
Saturday - gasoline
Sunday - diesel fuel
Monday - electricity from coal
Tuesday - electricity from nuclear
Wednesday - electricity from gas
Thursday - electricity
Friday - food
Saturday - water
Sunday - oxygen
2/15/13, 2:02 AM
- Jess said...
Hopefully, before the next election, enough people realize Bloomberg is crazier than a shit-house rat. If not, they're all doomed.
2/15/13, 8:08 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
A heart transplant is the only way NYC will come to their politcal senses. I love the city, and I love the people, but good god are they stupid.
2/15/13, 8:26 AM
Vladtheimp said...
Rog - This is bad! You sound like the folks who say, I disagree with his agenda, I disagree with his policies that are making us subjects of the royalty of Washington, I hate his hubris, but I love me some Barack. Reminds me of what some wag Episcopalians but they vote like Puerto Ricans.
2/15/13, 8:44 AM
Vladtheimp said...
Sorry - should have read "Reminds me of what some wag said about New Yawk Jews - They live like Episcopalians but vote like Puerto Ricans."
2/15/13, 8:46 AM
Esteve said...
That's why he's not worried about the hurricane damaged areas. No power, no water, no food, no single family homes. Mission accomplished.
2/15/13, 8:58 AM
Anonymous said...
NYC residents had passed a ballot initiative several years ago, limiting terms of Mayors to "two terms".
BloomTurd [a life long democrat, ran as a republican] only managed to get elected because Rudy endorsed him. During his second term, he and the City Council "threw out" the "two term limit for Mayors" arbitrarily, so Mikey could run again.
Not a peep was heard anywhere.
The residents are getting everything they deserve from this pretentious little nazi shithead. And there is NO hope in their future, Christine Quinn [openly gay and now married to her gay partner] is the next one up to bat and is considered a shoe in.
2/15/13, 10:03 AM
Steve in Greensboro said...
I was in the Tri-state area during semi-Hurricane Irene. The worst part of the storm was the interminable public safety announcements by Nurse Bloomberg.
As one of the characters said in Catch-22, "he talks like a man with a paper Obama". Or something like that. -
2/15/13, 10:43 AM
- Juice said...
What David wrote! Yes siree!
2/15/13, 1:48 PM
Anonymous said...
Yanno -- gotta admire the madd skillz of someone who can turn New Yawkers into mewling toddlers demanding to be told what to do at every turn....
I'd 've bet against it.
Back To The Caves!!!
e~C -
2/16/13, 10:34 AM