Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Does Adam Lanza have a Hawaiian COLB?


Res Ipsa Loquitor

Drummer Rick-We'll call him Clark Kent here; and Juicy the Juice, whom we'll call Lois Lane, have new-news'd me.  Clark asked whether I was aware of the "Aurora-Sandy Hook Batman conspiracy?"  I was not, but after a quick look, I can't be bothered.   Except—following that Lois Lane sent me this:

I'd like to include a couple of links to Pat Dollard's site regarding the (apparent) secrecy behind Sandy Hook. This has my brain meandering down the Obama's a BFRat road. The first two links are Sandy, the third is just because it's the kind of thing that you would like. :)
  1. http://patdollard.com/2013/03/fell-of-the-face-of-the-earth-cnn-no-record-of-adam-lanza-existence-since-2009/
  2. http://patdollard.com/2013/03/just-what-the-hell-is-going-on-sealed-media-denied-access/
  3. http://patdollard.com/2013/03/girl-power-means-fire-power/

Number one refers to the fact that there is no record at all of Sandy Hook gunman Adam Lanza for the past three years.  Neighbors don't know who he is.  Tangentially, there is the matter of Sandy Hook fundraising relief page created 3 days before shooting, Google search results confirm.

Number two refers to the fact that authorities are continuing to keep search warrants and police records secret. Media outlets have pressed for the release of more records, which could shed light on a crime that has revived the national debate over gun control and could change the way guns are regulated.
The massacre has led to proposals for universal background checks on gun buyers and bans on assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines.
Res Ipsa Loquitor
Number three  refers to the fact "Girl Power Means Fire Power" Res Ipsa Loquitor
I guess this will come down to people deciding whether this government would manufacture tragic situations in order to create public acceptance for their imposition of  restrictions? Before Ann Coulter,or other normally reasonable people call all this preposterous, I'd like to see some plausible explanations.  Not by a film produced by the CIA.  That blames it on a fuel leak. And certainly not by some Leftist web site presenting Adam Lanza's  Hawaii birth certificate, and then anecdotal proof that he was indeed a nutter who frequented NRO gun ranges.

That's right.  I'm in the camp that now believe government that this government, especially, will do whatever it takes to achieve it's goals. 


DougM said...

That make you one'a 'em wacko birds?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

whacko bird

Juice said...


Anonymous said...

My wife was raised in Newtown many years ago. Our son is autistic.

We'd all like to know what really went down there.

Something smells to high heaven.


pdwalker said...

If it stinks like shit, it's hard to convince yourself to go looking for roses.

Anonymous said...

If the Obama govt had done this on purpose, it would have been a lot bigger, with way more dead children, something like Beslan on steroids, then a concerted effort to demolish the 2nd amendment. They tried to pump it up, but were caught flat footed, and couldn't muster the news or the politicians or the voter support.

They are just not that competent.

As far as Adam Lanza being off the grid, a LOT of people are trying for that. Me, except I keep posting to the internet. Not unusual. My home state can't find me to send me a jury duty notification.

Anonymous said...

Not only is Sandy Hook in Batman, So is Aurora, lit up in bright red neon.

Which is implied that you knew that because you said "Aurora" in the title, despite your link failing to mention Aurora.



Revernd Idaho Spud said...

There was a lot of video immediately after Sandy Hook, relatives of the "slain" children yuking it up not knowing cameras were rolling, and then turning on the tears when prompted??

Here's something, food for thought, related/unrelated. I frequent English Pravda. An article appeared today, "Mysterious Murder of American Conspiracy Theorist". It deals with a murder of Phillip Marshall, his two chilren 17 and 14and the family Shitzu dog. I hadn't seen anything in U.S. press
(buried)so I Googled the story. Several articles especially the local paper in CA. Most absorbing was comments section in some articles of interviews by neighbors. It appears to be a hit
but local law is calling it double murder suicide. This doesn't add up to the people that knew him. Marshall was an author that was linking George Bush, Saudi's and others to 911. He was former CIA along with Bobby Seal (Also Murdered) who was murdered this past Feb. There is enough evidence, (conspiracy) that the same people, going back to JFK through Viet Nam, Iran Contra, 911 and Sandy Hook were complicit. Many commentators supplied links that peaked my interest. Some people are dead from the JFK era, but the institution lives on CIA? Bottom line is there are people who will stop at nothing to implement their goals to "transform" our American society.

Revernd Idaho Spud said...

What would Vince Foster say about this?

markshere2 said...

The flight 800 site confuses radar with IFF. When you get the basics wrong, it's tough to get anything else right thereafter.

Anonymous said...

I was very skeptical of this whole thing at first. Ran across this article this morning http://www.examiner.com/article/sandy-hook-hoax-is-falling-apart


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