Wednesday, March 20, 2013

No cure for that yeast infection

                                                                                                                                                                                             Gizmos that don't work 
Sorry, you'll just have to keep washing your left hand

Res Ipsa Loquitor

I was tempted to purchase the Woot Deals Sanitizing Wand.  Fortunaately I decise3d to sheck up on it and found this samplong from Amazon

The UVC intensity in this Verilux design is so low that for you to truly destroy any microorganisms on a surface you will have to keep it on the surface shining in one spot for over 30 minutes. It does not kill on contact, the intensity of UVC light is too low. In addition, the more you use it, the less UVC is emitted and the bulbs will have to be replaced annually. For you to truly destroy ALL micro organisms (virus, bacteria, mold) on just a pillow surface, you will have to hold the Verilux at every square inch of the pillow for 30 mins at a time. Thus, you would be standing, holding this unit for probably 4-6 hours to truly clean your pillow. You know what's easier, steam cleaning or taking the laundry and washing it. Or using a UVC system design for air treatment installed in your Air Conditioning System. Marketing over hypes the science behind UVC and leads customers to believe in products they shouldn't. This puts a bad name on the UVC products that actually perform, but are priced over $600. I wouldn't waste money on this product or any handheld UVC product.

You're welcome


Jess said...

Ultraviolet is a relatively low energy radiation, but dangerous as hell. I'm betting anything that is really efficient requires shielding, tons of special licensing and the understanding it destroys the DNA of germs, it does the same to your skin.

Revernd Idaho Spud said...

Well....If there was a serious need why wouldn't you just take all your stuff, pillow case, toothbrush, wash cloth, towels and whatever down to the local taning place and lay them out just like you were at the corner laundromat. Sit there, read a book and when totally cooked pack 'em up and take 'em home. So Simple?

BobG said...

Does it work on STD's?

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