scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Warrantless Entry
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Esteve said...
At least they didn't kill the folks dog. Where I live, many home owners would answer the door with a gun and that could get real messy with these paramilitary police.
4/23/13, 9:56 AM
Anonymous said...
I just started reading Essential Liberty by Rob Olive and I hope it remains as fiction. Scary.
righty gomez -
4/23/13, 10:45 AM
Helly said...
"This stuff scares the crap outta me."
"Why don't people push back at this nonsense?"
Adequately pre-answering the question. -
4/23/13, 10:48 AM
- pdwalker said...
That, my friends, is exactly what a police state looks like.
Enjoy. -
4/23/13, 10:55 AM
iri said...
Indeed. It's hard to stand there and debate the finer point of the US Constitution with a bunch of screaming assholes in black ninja killer suits pointing automatic weapons at you and your family.
The "push pack" has to come at the sharp end of hundreds of lawsuits and a criminal investigation naming names. You'd better get your shit together MA because next time it will be your blood on the ground not just your constitutional rights.
4/23/13, 10:57 AM
Anonymous said...
PDWalker is right on. And it isn't going to get any better as long as The Komrade Liar-in-Chief is living in that very expensive Government Housing on Pennsylvania Avenue (at our expense, not his) and Dirty Harry Reid and Pinocchio Pelosi and Diane Feinstein keep getting elected by the Dimocrat idiots in their districts. The three Dims that I listed, as well as a whole hell of lot of others, are proof-positive that term limits for Congress-people are necessary.
4/23/13, 11:52 AM
Anonymous said...
I don't think any of us really know how we're going to react until it's actually us answering the door and seeing a weapon pointed at our head. At some point I can see how some would say, "someone should shoot back". At the same time that plays right into the MSM's script of an angry white tea bagger that's anti-government. Maybe if you know Glenn Beck personally the truth of your story would come out...of course you'd likely be dead...so there's that.
Madams1064 -
4/23/13, 2:22 PM
Anonymous said...
With no warrant, no probable cause, no hot pursuit, what those brownshirts did there was outrageous. Did I hear flashbangs?
Move the action to 2:00 am and add some green leather trench coats and you have the Gestapo or NKVD.
If I were those folks I'd be inclined to sue the crap out of whomever sent those cops.
Unfortunately, in most cases any Regime, local to Federal, has more time, money and lawyers than any average individual and will drag the case out until the plaintiff is bankrupt.
To my simple mind, the only way to stop this runaway avalanche to tyranny is to make the asshole Progs feel the consequences of their actions and their utopian dreams at every level.
At the moment, there are very few direct consequences, so they go on and on, carrying all of us to ruin with them. American needs to get their asses out of the mall and their noses out of their iPhones and look around and see that we're at war with an enemy within that is about to collapse the whole shebang on their heads, and they better look up, get serious and get involved. Ironically, the falling house will land on the oblivious the hardest. Then all hell will be upon us.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick
4/23/13, 2:45 PM
Anonymous said...
@Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick
When I watched that video my blood pressure went off the freaking scale.
I agree about the lawsuit. It should be one MOFO of a class action lawsuit. SOmeone might be able to find a firm to take that on a contingency basis.
The obama administration fellates the saudis, CAIR, muslim brotherhood etc.. When the Chechens came home to roost, they pull the same shit that started that whole 1776 thingie
--------------------- -
4/23/13, 5:52 PM
Anonymous said...
Where were the Blood Hounds?
Suspect No. 2, henceforth know as "Gilligan", was found in a boat, on dry land, a quarter of a mile from the site of a shout out, bleeding, where he had back over is brother. and left by foot.
A good ole' Blood Hound, for the French "Chien de Saint-Hubert" or Canis lupus familiaris, would have sniffed Gilligan out in 15 minutes and would have prevented the good citizens of Watertown the trampling of their rights.
Is this another sequester matter? What, no dog food?
4/23/13, 7:16 PM
Tom Smith said...
I have come to believe that most people will give up their rights for a global sense of security. Probably goes double in this area where they are 3 generations deep in an education that teaches "government trust" and submission to the whole.
It appeared that those were local police and I am 75% sure that they would not do that in my neighborhood but I used to be 100% sure.
Those people were not put out by the raid on their home and I might bet they walked back thinking they helped out the "community" as it were. -
4/23/13, 8:51 PM
Anonymous said...
The only lawful way to hobble the beast is to cut funding to the PoPo.
The more cops,the more thug behavior. -
4/23/13, 8:54 PM
Jason in SD said...
You only feel confident enough to do this when you know the people inside are unarmed.
4/24/13, 8:28 AM
Anonymous said...
Having been a cop for 40 years, seeing that makes me sick! In this instance all you have to do is ask the residents if you can check their house (virtually all will say okay) and then ask all inside to step outside (they will). Then you ask if the bad guy is there. When they say "No" you allow the homeowner to observe your consent search. No fuss, no muss!
All this drama is S.O.P. on evacuating a known "active shooter" or "hostage situation" location, not consented to house clearing.
No Governor has the authority to "order" everyone in a neighborhood to stay inside their homes to begin with and the police cannot forcibly search door-to-door like that. Martial Law must be officially declared before this kind of nonsense comes anywhere close to being legal. -
4/24/13, 8:46 AM
Anonymous said...
"Why don't people push back at this nonsense?"
Because they cannot imagine that their own government would ever be doing something that was out of bounds. Now if Bush had ordered this, that would be totally different. That doesn't make this any the less outrageous tyrannous.
I will hope in vain that it wakes more people up to the Second Amendment. Not that any rational person should choose this moment to resist. Resistance can come in many peaceful forms, and class action litigation is one of them.
This is clearly a case where government was so frantic to find someone that it was willing to unilaterally suspend the law. Why? Recall a similar mindset during the recent manhunt for cop-killer Christopher Dorner. Police even shot up a pickup truck carrying two women delivering newspapers. LA and Kali government gives the officers a pass:
From the LA Times article on the $4.2 million settlement paid to the victims:
"LAPD Chief Charlie Beck called the shooting "a tragic misinterpretation" by officers working under "incredible tension" hours after Dorner allegedly shot police officers. "
This is how it works folks. When a police officer suspends the law and commits a violent act, it is excused because government itself was the party who was threatened.
The two Boston Bombers where a threat to local and state government. That is why government gave itself a pass.
I hope this wakes up some people who love big and Bigger government.
Land-of-the-(used to be) Free!
4/24/13, 9:44 AM
Tom Smith said...
I too was surprised when there was no backlash over shooting up that pickup on the Dorner deal. The greater good excuse used again.
4/24/13, 9:58 AM
- leelu said...
Tom Smith:
How would we know if the MSM chooses not to report it?? -
4/24/13, 11:28 AM
Anonymous said...
[hey. hadda be sed.]
e~C -
4/24/13, 12:39 PM
Anonymous said...
I get why everyone here is upset, under just about any other conditions I would be too, but
1. Limited number of houses
2. One time occurrence
3. Known armed killer
4. not quite armed pursuit
I would be happy to cooperate under the circumstances and I'm sure essentially all involved homeowners would too.
Constitutional rights are still in place, if the police arrested anyone for anything else, it remains an unauthorized search and that pound of cocaine or whatever would not be admitted into court (though it would not be returned). I haven't heard of any post search arrests, though I haven't been looking.
Nobody wants the cops in their house, especially me, and if groups of officers were going around, say, confiscating guns legally or not, they wouldn't get mine, but in this single case I personally don't have a problem. Just about any other reason, though, I'd be screaming at least as loud as anybody here.
Like I say, I still don't like it. -
4/24/13, 6:05 PM