Monday, April 01, 2013

Yes, The Death Panel

When Liberals are in charge                                               

Res Ipsa Loquitor

Somewhere between the release of the 1984 Band Aid single and Al Gore’s 2006 documentary An Inconvenient Truth, political attention shifted away from such problems. The idea of people (especially old people) dying in their homes from conditions with which we are all familiar now seems relatively boring.

Much political attention is still focused on global warming, and while schemes to help Britain prepare for the cold are being cut, the overseas aid budget is being vastly expanded. Saving elderly British lives has somehow become the least fashionable cause in politics.
Here is a great article from The Telegraph that should get a lot of exposure.  The British people, especially the elderly, are suffering … from cold winters.  They are dying because of government measures against global warming, which are making fuel prices more expensive.  Some people cannot afford the fuel, and must choose between food and warmth.

I think this would be a staple for Soylent Green, whose site was shut down for breaking some rule or another by his provider.  Any idea where he’s hiding out lately?  A new site perhaps?

Back to the story line, a really conservative government would start charging the Sir This and Lord That of the UK with murder, for what they are doing to kill the elderly.  Throw in the Inconvenient Al, who should be forced to answer for his crimes as well.  


Res Ipsa LoquitorExtended to the USofA, Geezers are a drain on resources and can't die too soon for political spenders trying to juggle resources.  Illegal immigrants, on the other hand, will be alive and voting for years to come, and paying into the system without draining medical resources to the same extent (most die quickly  from drive-by shootings or Hepatitis C).  In addition, the man-caused climate farce holds the biggest prize of all for people like Democrats—nullification of the Fifth Amendment takings clause, and with it absolute freedom to take whatever the state wants, when they want it.  The Road to Serfdom's terminus. I know what your asking, "But Rodge, what can we do?"  Kill everyone.


Anonymous said...

There is also a story about a wind farm in Nevada being fined for a dead golden eagle. They needed another different permit. Only government.

Anonymous said...

The new Soylent Green location.

And I, um, only go there to read the articles.

Sir H the Comet

Anonymous said...

Sir H, sorry to disagree with you here, but I thinks that one site would be a KNOCK[ers]off. Being a "article man" myself, "Son of" told Wordpress to go jack off or sumthin.

He went rogue. . . .

[Note the "refuge" in the address]

You're all very welcome and don't forget the embiggenify]


Skoonj said...

Rush Limbaugh is hitting this HARD right now, in hour 3 of his Monday show.

Skoonj said...

Sir H and Geo, I have been to both sites you pointed to, and both are worthy. Plenty of T&A and interesting commentary on the right subjects. They both look similar to each other, and similar to the previous site. So much to think about!

TimO said...

It's a heck of a lot easier to deal with heat than cold. I grew up in Ohio where the summers would go to 100+ and the winters down to -30. Never had airconditioning in my house or my cars (in fact never had either until I moved to Florida in 1990.)

Having the cold radiate through the walls of the house with the furnace running 24 hours a day makes a cut-off of fuel lethal when it's -30degrees out...

Skoonj said...

TimO, funny you should mention that heat toleration thing.

I grew up in NYC, in Stuyvesant Town, which had no air conditioning ... an permitted none. I understand a few years ago they rewired the whole place, and allow window units.

In 1970 I went to Lackland AFB in San Antonio, Texas, for Officer Training School. No need to mention Texas is hot in the summer. The old barracks we spent the first six weeks in had no air conditioning. However, the construction, window placement, and building orientation, gave us comfortable barracks with a single hall fan.

The second six weeks, we were in an air conditioned building at the Medina complex. It had previously been a nuclear weapons storage depot. The forced cool air was very uncomfortable. Many of us preferred the un-air conditioned barracks.

Anonymous said...

Well Geo old buddy of friend old pal, I snapped that off the site that popped up linked from Theo Sparks' little base of operations. So if it ain't right, you can go discuss with Theo. I don't know from nuthin' else.

Sir H the Comet

Helly said...

"Plenty of T&A"

RODGER *ding*ding*ding*

Are you paying attention to these helpful comments?

Soylent Sage said...

sonofsoylentgreen, soylentsagacity, and the venerable Spassfabrik site soylentdeath were all mine, and the Cursed Code Monkeys at WP have locked me out of all of them--even the innocuous NSKMD.

So yes, I have crossed over to the blogspot Dark Side.
Thanks for the pimpage. Stop by any time.

Skoonj said...

So, Soylent Green, and thank you for your personal appearance here, can you verify that both the sites mentioned above are successors to your originat sonofsoylentgreen?

Anonymous said...

"Plenty of T&A"
That means Training and Advice, right?

Anonymous said...
is still up but has not been updated in weeks.
was updated just today.

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