Obama's Gate
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Darrell said...
The only thing worse than telling someone they're wrong is proving that they're wrong. If the useful idiots in the media ever do figure out that they've been had, well... Regardless, most Obamanauts will worship him no matter what. It's all a right wing conspiracy.
5/15/13, 6:02 PM
- toadold said...
The Meme on the Internet seems to be about the growing anger at the Main Stream Press for their role in supporting the Obamanation. The press is showing all the signs of being to stupid to argue with. Ron White strikes again, "Stoooid is Foevah!"
5/15/13, 7:32 PM
- toadold said...
Correction "Stooopid is Foevah!"
5/15/13, 7:33 PM
Anonymous said...
So why is no one asking if the video trailer guy is going to be released from the clink?
5/15/13, 7:36 PM
Anonymous said...
MSM is perfectly willing to skewer the IRS, just as they skewered smokers and tobacco - they're almost universally unpopular and easy meat.
The hidden agenda is to divert attention from Benghazi.
The IRS afair could (probably does actually) lead to the Oval office and/or Dems in Congress, but can most likely be made to go away with a token sacrifice.
Benghazi, OTOH, leads directly to the Oval Office and nowhere else. It can't go anywhere else - only the President could order troops into Libya or order the ones there to strike, and only he could make them "Stand down."
Susan Rice and Hillary Clinton both reported directly to him. How was their bright shining lie authored, coordinated and authorized?
What sort of activities were going on in the Benghazi mission before the disaster? Enough gun running/weapons trafficking to make Iran Contra pale in comparison?
Uhbama bragadocciously spiked the bin Laden football, and the 9-11 II response to this put paid to his vaunted "be nice to muzzies" initiative,
Uhbama & Co. will be happy to throw some middle management IRS apparatchik under the bus in return for making Benghazi go away.
There will long drawn out hearings, lots of grandstanding for cameras, lots of faux crocodile tears, and promises by all to do better in the future.
All to no real result except to draw attention from Benghazi.
If Boner and the Reps were serious about the IRS, or Uhbamacare, they'd take a big chun out of the IRS budget and restrict how theei funding is spent, but Boner hasn't the spine to do that.
Benghazi is the thing the Dems really fear.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
5/15/13, 8:50 PM
iri said...
The Democrats don't fear anything. Not God, not Americans and least of all Republicans.
5/15/13, 9:18 PM
Anonymous said...
Just like the gun smuggling, nothing will come of any of this. It's too late for that. Beans, band aids, and bullets people. We're at 5,000 feet, all engines are dead, the stick is all the way forward and we're going in nose first.
wildbill -
5/16/13, 12:19 AM
- James Hooker, Nipple Whisperer said...
Wildbill, don´t think it´ll come to that. Call me an optimist, but, I see that number 4 is still runnin fine. Nose IS a bit forward,true, but only picking up airspeed here hoss. Just keep your feet somewhere near the pedals. Question is, will our fuel hold out and the gear come down?
5/16/13, 4:06 AM
TimO said...
Who would they run? Why do you think they've already floated statements about Michelle running? Just because Barack leaves in disgrace doesn't leave any stink on her....
Be afraid. Be very afraid. -
5/16/13, 9:03 AM