Thursday, May 16, 2013

Salt Science - small people trying to understand big things

Res Ipsa Loquitor
            cuzzin ricky


Helly said...

I love dropping this stuff on orthorexics, but it's kinda old news. Can we discuss isotonic brining now?

Skoonj said...

On a few occasions I have asked actual physicians about the effects of salt. Their answers were exactly the same, though they were separated by time and location.

This is their response: If you have no problem with high blood pressure, salt will not have a negative effect on you. If you have high blood pressure, salt can raise your blood pressure.

It's as simple as that. Nanny Bloomberg notwithstanding, salt doesn't have a negative effect on most people. Those with high blood pressure can take a pill, then add salt.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone done a study on how many brain cells you lose by reading the New York Times?

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