Palin Ponders Bolt From GOP (aka DNC Jr.)
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Sunday, June 30, 2013
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
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Alear said...
Palin/Cruz v Weiner/Holder -
6/30/13, 2:28 PM
Anonymous said...
Sometimes ya gotta let it go and start over. This is getting good!
Tim -
6/30/13, 3:25 PM
Anonymous said...
I'll likely vote Republican in 2014, just to hinder a Demo/Marxist takeover of the House...but ONE SECOND AFTER THAT, the GOP is DEAD to me. -
6/30/13, 4:16 PM
iri said...
Here we go again.
6/30/13, 6:53 PM
- Skoonj said...
Some are saying that if Palin bolts the GOP, it would make the GOP happy. No, not the GOP, but it would make the GOP leadership happy. For about a millisecond, which is how long it would take them to find out that their ship has no passengers. Then they would have to figure out how to finance, lead, and be a party with no members. Yes, a new party will probably lose their first election or two, but the same thing happened when the Whigs died and the Republicans began. In 1860, Lincoln became president.
6/30/13, 8:17 PM
Anonymous said...
the one named skoonj is wise
6/30/13, 8:33 PM
Anonymous said...
Note to the GOP leadership (AKA the RINO Farm):
If you don't or won't stand for anything, don't expect others to stand with you.
- One Man Gang -
6/30/13, 9:50 PM
Anonymous said...
I am through voting for candidates.
There isn't a Dem worth a vote, the christians proved they weren't christians by not voting for Romney based upon their own misguided bigotry. I have held my nose and voted for R's for years.
I guess the only thing that might motivate me to vote for a person would be the pro-life stance. This country has a sword hanging over its head because of that abomination. It has effects at the judgement bar of Christ. All other votes are irrelevant. I am thinking of hiding out in the woods and waiting this whole thing out.
a Mormon. -
7/1/13, 2:46 AM
- Mike C said...
While it looks good on the surface, I gotta think about Palin's other examples of lapse of judgement that got us here. Imagine a world back in 2008 where she had not thrown in with McCain, but stood on the sidelines and pushed with the rest of the tea party against the RNC establishment? There is a chance that those old GOP dogs would be under the porch (to paraphrase a different GOP candidate of that era - yeah, i'm talking about Fred T - who now is reduced to hawking life insurance to the elderly on late night television)
I am thinking that this is an opportunistic push that has everything to do with revenue stream.. but she could prove me wrong. We might actually be in a new era where enough sensible people would empty the GOP bleachers and 'walk like Egyptians'. I am just not sure she is the right leader to do that, though she might be good for a backbone. If Michele Bachmann threw in with her, you might have something. I guess that will be the test - who among the 'new blood' would follow her? -
7/1/13, 6:54 AM
Anonymous said...
.. and speaking of monumental lapses in judgement. Mike C.
Pip -
7/1/13, 9:23 AM
iri said...
- This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
7/1/13, 10:29 AM
- Mike C said...
I am not sure, due to imprecise punctuation if that was a dig on me or not.. If so, then let me offer this - Gazinga! You have got me sir or madam...
In either case I will offer this rejoinder. If it is a comment on Piper, then I will say that when my kids were that age, I could not imagine my wife doing much of anything without them, or them being perfect angels at all times. That she did not 'play the professional' I believe is admirable. Compare and contrast with the royal family she lost to.
That being said, the whole Bristol dancing with the stars thing was, well, unfortunate. But anyone who has raised a daughter that is that age knows there is a certain point you let them go and hope for the best...
On the other hand I could give a flip about the proclivities of a politician's family. Once in office anything they do belongs back in the style page, not on page one. Once upon a time that was the rule in this country. Remember Billy Beer or Dancing Ron Jr. Reagan? Not serious things worthy of discussion by serious people. Wish we could get back that...
(I apologize Boss for feeding trolls... i'll try not to let it happen again) -
7/1/13, 12:28 PM
Anonymous said...
@ Mike C
In early/mid 2008, there WAS no "Tea Party" as such, sonny. You have to go to Jan-Feb-Mar 2009 for that.
So much for your grand 20-20 hindsight. -
7/1/13, 12:56 PM
Anonymous said...
Plus - in early 2008 there was no Sarah Palin, practically speaking. McCain nearly blundered his way into the White House because of her, despite attacks on her by both parties.
pip -
7/1/13, 1:30 PM
- Mike C said...
Humm - you may be right... I was on the capital steps where the fledgling tea party didn't spit on anyone during the Obamacare debate - were you? I watched with disgust Pelosi and Moran gleefully have the Capitol police clear away the crowd so they could take personal pleasure in thumbing their noses at us as they walked up the capitol steps through the crowd - were you there? That we did or didn't have a name back then didn't matter... they were just people that didn't want to F*ed with by the federal government - the essence of the tea party.
I also remember 2008 as we had Palin pack the tiny stadium where the National's farm team plays a couple of miles from my home. Those weren't tea party people in name, but they were people wanting something better than the empty suit that is office now... I'd wager that most of those folks consider themselves tea party members now.
You want to argue specific dates, I will gladly admit that God knows my failing memory is not as sharp as yours. That doesn't change my belief that when she teamed with McCain, she gained the national stage, but maybe lost something vital that will make it difficult to be an effective leader. But I will reserve judgement & see what politicians I still respect follow her in the theoretical exodus. I believe that will matter. Why? Because I do remember Ross Perot.
7/1/13, 1:35 PM
Anonymous said...
No one's "arguing dates," Mike C, your memory is merely in error. Skipping your snark, yes I *was* in DC 9/12/2009 (it's my hometown). I object to your disparagement of Palin in your first post based on an utterly wrong timeline.
7/1/13, 2:05 PM
- Mike C said...
I guess we are talking at cross purposes then...
I stick by my assessment that it is difficult to see her as a leader when she had the bad judgement to team with McCain as a VP candidate rather than fighting the establishment at the - let's call it - 'grassroots' level. The McCain stench is hard to get out... maybe she can do it. God knows if anyone can do it she can, but I am having a hard time seeing it. Up to this point I haven't heard her distance herself from him very much. Didn't she campaign for him in a senate primary?
My timeline was right - my semantics were wrong with respect to 'tea party'. My logic I think is right. -
7/1/13, 3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Well I sure don't have any problem seeing her leading a 3rd party-I would stop my life and work my ass off for her should she decide to run.
As for the "stench" of McCain, it sure as hell wasn't as strong in 2008 as it is now-I liked her getting the national spotlight when she accepted the VP nomination. She wouldn't have had the following she has today without it.
What I didn't understand is WhyTF McCain put her on ice for a couple weeks after her electrifying acceptance speech. The left was in full scale panic mode and they could have put a stake in Obama. Instead she was wheeled out to be "interviewed" by Couric and the new meme was set.
Gotta say though, looking at today's McCain, he would have been one rotten fucking president.
The Lord works in mysterious ways.
MM -
7/1/13, 7:08 PM
iri said...
"What I didn't understand is WhyTF McCain put her on ice"
Come on?! You know. -
7/1/13, 8:07 PM
- Mike C said...
Ah, google remembers even if I don't.. Palin joins McCain - 2010 Money quote:
“We know violence isn’t the answer. When we pick up our arms, we’re talking about votes. We’re talking about being involved in a contested primary like this and picking the right candidate, too—John McCain"
Hayworth was a blowhard, but you can't dispute she picked the wrong horse. No one is perfect, but things like that make me wonder about her, and make me think twice about dropping everything and backing her...
7/2/13, 8:10 AM
Anonymous said...
Mike C, for someone who is usually quite sensible, you have somehow gone daft on this "Blame Palin for campaigning with McCain after she was tapped for the VP slot." Had she not accepted the nomination, nobody would know her name today. Admit you've screwed the pooch and get on with it.
7/2/13, 11:36 AM
iri said...
"Didn't she campaign for him in a senate primary?"
Yes, she did after he lost the presidential election. Let's hope that little faux pox was against her "better judgment". A lot of people are still justifiably angry about that.
7/2/13, 3:05 PM
- Mike C said...
That's me - just another angry old white man...
7/2/13, 3:59 PM