Sunday, June 02, 2013

Marines hot meals lose out to Michelle's vacation allowance

More Outrage Upon Which We Shall Not Put !                          

Every weekend I'm mind-pestered by outrageous news that I noted, but never got around to commenting on.  Here's this week's outrages upon which I will not put!


It's a hands down given  that the next Pacific naval war will be fought against China.  So what have the  Obamas done?  That's right; invited the Chi-Coms to participate in a naval exercise  held ostensibly to practice deep-sixing  their fleet.  Can you spel D-U-H? And,  even the LA Times got this right.

America's China mistake
As Beijing becomes more bellicose, Washington clings to the hope that military-to-military relations will somehow relieve tensions. They won't.

17% (3,641 votes) Said YES;  83% (17,725 votes) Said NO!

Res Ipsa Loquitor  The second thing that sent me to the liquor cabinet was this.

Marines at Camp Leatherneck in Afghanistan will lose a key daily meal starting Saturday, causing some to forgo a hot breakfast and others to work six-plus hours without refueling on cooked food, according to Marines at the base and Marine Corps officials.

Are you kidding? What's the first thing that came to your mind?   Was it  THIS? That's right!

Finally, and this was not on my original list,  I noticed that he LAT's editorial cartoonist is Ted Rall.  TED-Freaking-Rall/  Here's some of Rall's work I clipped after 9/11.  Small wonder then that  Times thinks that enforcing the Federal immigation kaws makes you a loose cannon.   Enough said.

Res Ipsa Loquitor


Juice said...

Stomach wrenching. Apparently, "know thy enemy..." only applies to American Conservatives. These Libturds will be the end of us all.

Anonymous said...

Libtards is better. Attacks them where they are strongest (in their mommies opinion) and makes them defend their high, um, education. (My working definition of an intellectual is someone who has been educated beyond their comprehension.)

Whereas they actually know how to use a toilet, so that just makes them feel superior to those of us who also know how.

Alear said...

Peggy Noonan: "Those who think this is just business as usual are ahistorical, and those who think nothing can be done, or nothing serious should be done, are suffering from Cynicism Poisoning.”

This is from a woman who was pro-TehWon in 2008. And now she's essentially calling out the Barn Army?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I always say that not all smug, pretentious and condescending twats are Democrats, but all Democrats are smug, pretentious, condescending twata. Noonan is in group A.

iri said...

Bush did the same thing didn't he? Yep he did, 'cept in his case he let them on board to investigate. There are no Democrats and Republicans, there is only the enemy.

caplight45 said...

I will freely admit I drank too much national security Kool-Ade after 9/11. I spoke too glibbly about surrendering freedoms and giving the Feds more greater authority to gather information. I began to wake up when I realized what a boondoggle DHS was going to be and how much money was being made by Bush cronies providing so-called security. I was wrong. I apologize. I hope all of my friends and acquaintances can forgive me.
OK, Peggy, now it's your turn. Apologize for voting for Obama and all the pretentious crap you wrote about McCain and Palin. Trust me, you'll feel better after you say your sorry.

Jess said...

Every enemy of the U.S. terrorizes their citizens, treats human life with disdain and has no qualms about killing unmercifully to keep their power.

Only an idiot, or traitor could find any hope in trying to negotiate with these monsters. Neither is acceptable in a position of power.

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