Saturday, June 22, 2013

Words from my doppelgänger

The Enigma Debate
I can't wait until Obama's term is over. That will be our first opportunity to really find out who this guy is- without the interference of the media or the leftist minions
Res Ipsa Loquitor

I am not kidding when I say this. Dyed in the wool leftists often cannot grasp why government would lie. They simply give government officials, particularly "theirs" the benefit of the doubt. It defies belief. But in as much as they defend "theirs" they hate "yours." Leftists always think they know your agenda.

Hillary could care less who Bill screws around with- that was never important to her. What is important to Hillary is her ego and ambition. I have always believed the whole marriage, kid, thing was just a cover story for a Presidential run or two. There are now rumblings that in Hillary's upcoming book, she is going to disclose that she is bi-sexual. So after 4 decades, maybe the truth will come out.
Whenever I am debating an issue, let's say in the case of the Congressional Budget Office's allegation that this year's deficit will only be 642 billion, I stick to the facts. Generally what happens is this. a) Intelligent people realize when they are wrong or at the very least, when they have been mislead. They will go quiet. b) Every once in awhile, I actually have a decent back and forth discussion with an intelligent person without name calling. This causes me to re-think or reinforce a position with fact checking. It happened last week. c) Most often some ego maniac will start calling you names when you disagree with some unsubstantiated position that they have taken. When they start calling you names, you win. It is always that simple.

The single greatest conflict generator of my entire life is Barack Obama. I have never ever seen an individual more adept at lying than this guy. He is a pure professional. When I see his particular quality of deception- I am in awe. Even when caught in a lie,
The more I read, the more puzzled I get. Pieces and years are missing and then all of a sudden, a high school prom picture shows up.
Obama simply shuts up. Thus he gives the detracting side no credibility and no power- knowing full well the issue will fade. Benghazi, and where he was during that 7 hours, is a perfect example. He has never addressed the issue.

The reason that Obama causes so much conflict is because he is so damn good at being deceptive. Bush was a piker compared to this guy. Even ardent conservatives had to agree that Bush was a shitty liar. So Bush didn't generate the kind of entrenched conflict that Obama does. It doesn't hurt that Obama is black either. Supporters will often use the race card anytime they are losing a debate involving Obama.

I don't think I have ever researched anyone more thoroughly than Obama. I certainly have never researched anyone, anywhere, who is a bigger enigma than this guy. His entire life makes no sense to me.

Let me tell you a little story which will make sense once you think about it. Hillary Clinton, while in college, ... (thecivillibertarian  continied)

Loved it.


Jess said...

Liberalism is the hope that the most rotten of people, and agendas, somehow have a good quality and it will persevere over the evil.

In the real world, that hope is called insanity.

iri said...

I'm not as hopeful as the writer that we'll get any more information about the man than we have now. He had a lot of help staying in the shadows his entire adult life to the point of being elected head of the most information intensive government in history. What's going change?

DougM said...

To Progs (and all other despotic types), words are just tools for acquiring and maintaining power. Truth, reason, honor, etc. are immaterial; and they may, indeed, be a downright impediment. If something should be true or needs to be true at a point in time, then it is. Truth is relative and temporary.
Since their ends are the ultimate morality, any means they use to reach those ends must, therefore, be moral.

iri said...

"Since their ends are the ultimate morality, any means they use to reach those ends must, therefore, be moral."

I think I'm losing it. After reading that the first thing I though of was a poster of a fine bouquet of female rear ends with the caption:

"The ends justify the means."

I apologize. I used to be better than that.

Anonymous said...

It is bad enough that The Komrade Mother-f***ing Prevaricator-in-Chief is constantly bullshitting us, but it is especially galling that he actually expects us to believe it.


Cheesy said...

Speaking of lying bastards,
this made my blood boil. Excusing themselves from a law that was enacted precisely because of their actions:

TimO said...

Speaking of Hillary in college, my wife worked with a woman who was in her sorority and she confirmed that the Beast played for more than one team...

Rodger the Real King of France said...

A friend's daughter attended one of those very tony pony girl colleges (half the girls boarded their horses there) in Virginia. I was at their their home one weekend when she had a bunch of her classmates for the weekend. One of them told how she had interned for the Children’s Defense Fund the previous summer (in 1991), and that Hillary was notorious for "hitting on" the volunteer staff. When I asked if she was going to vote for Bill Clinton in November she replied "of course." Hillary is not "bi," she's lesbo. And a liar. And a crook.

Cheesy said...

Real, actual conversation with a liberal at a party:

"Republicans are just racists."
What about Herman Caine, is he a racist?"
"Herman Caine just wants to sell books."
"I believe I could use another drink. Excues me."

Anonymous said...

Liberals are incapable of debating the merits of their positions because they are emotional, not logical. It's like debating ones favorite color.

Jess said...

"...Liberals are incapable of debating the merits of their positions because they are emotional, not logical. It's like debating ones favorite color..."

...with Rain Man.

Anonymous said...

That's exactly right, Tim. That's why they consider using facts and reason in an argument to be cheating and probably racist. It's also why they avoid the truth whenever possible. They instinctively know that the truth is never on their side and thus is dangerous to them.

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