Sunday, July 21, 2013

Dead Pig Defense

Oh My

Res Ipsa Loquitor

Citizens of Stavropol, Russia, are against islamization of their city. While the local authorities do nothing about it, they try to struggle against Islam the ways the can. Thus, they decided to follow the example of citizens of a Spanish city Seville who buried a pig’s body under the construction site of a new mosque. According to the Islamic law this animal is evil and it profanes the place where a mosque is being built. The court repeatedly held that the construction of the mosque had to stop but it still continues. By the way the judge was Muslim too…

Tommy Lee Smith


Jess said...

Burying pig seems like a waste of good pork. My suggestion is they round 'em up and bring them to the edge of town, with the warning their invite is over.

george said...,2933,241897,00.html

iri said...

Stavropol? Isn't that a suburb of Dearborn?

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