from the Left George Zimmerman verdict 'was right' - Alan Dershowitz News from the Asshole Left |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Monday, July 15, 2013
Trayvon View From the LEFT
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- K-nine said...
I'll finish it:
" would not have been news." -
7/15/13, 10:42 AM
Jason in KT said...
Had a gun-toting Trayvon Martin stalked an unarmed George Zimmerman, and then shot him to death, Martin would have been convicted of first-degree murder.
Unfortunately for the fatass, what happened in this case was that Martin assaulted Zimmerman, breaking his nose, and repeatedly bashed Zimmerman's head against the pavement for which Zimmerman exercised his God-given right to self defense.
But we won't let the truth get in the way of a racist left-wing agenda, will we? -
7/15/13, 11:39 AM
- Juice said...
What K-nine wrote. And it even happens in Florida.
Do an internet search of -black on white crime FL- or drop the FL, same results. Never a non-stop spectacle on 24hr news attacks because black on white crime just isn't "hate" crime. *spit* -
7/15/13, 11:59 AM
Anonymous said...
I believe it was July first that a white man walking down the sidewalk in Atlanta was attacked by three coloreds, severly beaten, and thrown in front of an oncoming car and killed. Where is the outrage over this? Al? Jesse? CNBC?
wildbill -
7/15/13, 12:43 PM
- Jess said...
The media is salivating over the prospect of riots. If their efforts to foment insurrection cause even one injury, I hope that one person has the presence of mind to sue the shit out of the media bastards and cut them off at the knees.
7/15/13, 12:48 PM
Helly said...
"… black on white crime just isn't "hate" crime."
In fairness, Juice, African-on-African murder is rarely ever reported either, or even investigated. I think the police have given up trying to keep an accurate account.
Democrats have always been and will forever be segregationists. So their 'crimes of opportunity' don't generally involve Americans. In the peculiar case at hand, Pappa got himself a new GF off the plantation. So baby Tray never developed the survival skills needed in this foreign land and never suspected a Cracker could defend himself. BANG — the end. -
7/15/13, 1:20 PM
Anonymous said...
Race aside, when has it been a crime to "follow" anyone? If it's coupled with continual harassment, then that's one thing. But liberals think that since George Zimmerman, instructed by a NON-EMERGENCY police dispatcher not to follow Trayvon, it somehow gave Trayvon carte blanche to beat Zimmerman to death.
As far as I know, there isn't a legal standard set on how many times you should allow your head to be beat into the concrete before you defend yourself. That's the craziest thing about all of the bitching.
Josh -
7/15/13, 2:24 PM
Anonymous said...
Last I heard, Tray doubled back after Z stopped followng him, appeared suddenly and pounced on Z. Fox headline:
[pic of Eric The Racist Avenger Holder]
WHY NOW? Verdict In, FBI Says No Bias — DOJ Still Probes for Racism
Maybe the FBI should investigate Eric, and maybe Eric should pay more attention when he looks in the mirror to shave. The racism is evident, IMHO, just not in Z.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
7/15/13, 2:54 PM
Anonymous said...
Has Michael Moore ever heard of Antonio Santiago or would he give a shit if he did hear about him?
7/15/13, 3:30 PM
- Juice said...
Helly, True regarding black on black crime not being reported, but those deaths don't fit the racial hate crime profile necessary to political exploitation. But, with regard to the Zimmerman prosecution, white kills black and "hate crime" charges automatically considered. Black kills white not a hate crime, but "understandable".
And yes, continual segregation is why America is filled with hyphenates. Another thing that allows Libs to instigate hate and discontent.
I have a question: If only Libs were left in a country, what would be their evolution? And whom would they profile to hate? (no Lord of Flies allowed) -
7/15/13, 4:40 PM
DougT said...
"Had a gun-toting Trayvon Martin stalked an unarmed George Zimmerman, and then shot him to death... I would still be a fat, unhinged, leftist MFCSSOB."
7/15/13, 6:36 PM
iri said...
If only Libs were left in a country, what would be their evolution?
A: France during the reign of terror. -
7/15/13, 6:37 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
A good question Juicy, and here's my hasty and inelegant answer.
At the heart of Liberalism is a smug attitude of self righteousness and moral superiority. The liberal coat of arms depicts a room full of intellectuals, smoking pipes, and bemoaning the sad mess lesser people have made of things.
The Liberal will feel compassion for damned near anything (very Christ-like), but also feel that they are in the minority of good people willing to give their time and resources to help the downtrodden. Certainly not that rat-bastard Tommy Tucker next door; who owns a printing company, drives a BMW, and has lawn care. What does he do for the poor? Nothing. Just another person who had success dropped into his lap, and has more money than he needs.
Their answer then, is to make it a function of government to evenly allocate resources necessary to drag poor street urchins and crack whores out of the gutter. From each according to his ability, to each according to his need! Who can argue with that?
So, to your question. If they got their way, and the entrepreneur and self reliant enemy were vanquished, what would happen?
It's nature's way that roughly half of those Liberals would find themselves in the lower half of the new social order; at the mercy of the politburo, and liquidated if necessary to maintain the new worker's paradise. They would get to join the street urchins and crack whores harvesting wheat and sugar cane.
History dictates that one day there will be a revolution, and all of them will slaughtered. -
7/15/13, 6:45 PM
Anonymous said...
I don't recall all this outrage in 2009, when a black man defended himself against a white thug, was tried for Manslaughter, and aquitted: -
7/15/13, 8:09 PM
- Juice said...
TRKOF and C&S,
I have read all of your words as an introduction to your final solution: "History dictates that one day there will be a revolution, and all of them will slaughtered."
So, mutual murder until distinction is the solution? I love it. And I will sleep well with tonight's bedtime story. zzzzzzz.....
7/15/13, 8:38 PM
Anonymous said...
Had a fork-toting Michael Moore stalked an unarmed chicken, and then ate it as it was struggling... DO I EVEN NEED TO COMPLETE THIS SENTENCE?
Vladtheimp -
7/16/13, 7:55 AM
Helly said...
If only Libs were left in a country, what would be their (r)evolution?
Rodger dwells in a 1-dimensional political world, so he isn't equipped to deal with this question. There would be no change in their behavior. Political extremes of all varieties are merely a symptom of closed-mindedness. So exposure to normal people, or lack thereof, has no effect on what they think or do.
Liberals are actually libertines. They love everyone who gives them free stuff and hate everyone who doesn't. Unlike zombies, they gladly eat their own.
UPDATE: Stevie Wonder won't play Florida. Oh the humanity ... -
7/16/13, 6:47 PM