Saturday, August 03, 2013

A Manchurian by any other name ....

Amen I say to you; if serpents dwell in your house do you not  cast them into a pit and blowtorch them? 

McCain is the greatest disappointment in Republican history......what has he accomplished?
1. He ruined Palin's political potential
2. He ushered in the absolute worse Prez inAmerican history
3. He is the leading proponent in amnesty for Illegals
4. He has given the enemy more comfort than any other Republican in history.
And the list is very much longer......he will never make it through another election after he lied to his constituents concerning Illegas in his state......he has reversed every stand that got him squeaky by last election.

Comment to article  Obama WH Is Hiding Benghazi Survivors AND CHANGING THEIR NAMES


Anonymous said...

McCain BLOCKED drilling in ANWAR. W had the house and Senate but McCain reached across the isle and helped his Democrat handlers...

Anonymous said...

As I have always said, with Republicans like McCain who needs Democrats. Look up RINO in the dictionary and you will see a picture of McCain. The word was coined to describe him.

Anonymous said...

"The Keating Five"


iri said...

Yeah but he was a war hero and stuff even greater than John Kerry. Don't that count?

Anonymous said...

Iri why must you do that? I know thats directed at me :-p I don't trot out his having been a POW to defend him from attacks. McCain, who sucks ass pretty thoroughly, deserves every inch of it. I simply defended his years as a POW, saying they should be kept aside from what a terrible asshat he has developed into.


iri said...

Believe me young man. It was a general swipe at those who understandably give ground to those who have suffered and sacrificed in service despite their long history of treasonous behavior after the fact. I certainly didn't mean to single you out in any way. But since you mention it...How do a guy go from hero to ratbastard backstabbing, black flagging co-author of our enemies victories? Working backward to the days of his reported heroism one might reasonably assume he didn't change character and the official record has been shall we say.."modified".

I'm just a guy, I don't know the hearts of men. I do know I had no thoughts of your earlier comments or our dialog when I wrote that. You weren't the only one pissed you know. I'm sorry that upset you but cut me some slack. I'm an ass sometimes and really, I can't help it.

Anonymous said...

Haha. I guess I don't remember others being involved as far as McCain goes. I have a probably more than necessary soft spot for pretty much any and all veterans and what they went through during a fight. Like I said, I don't use McCains war service to excuse who he's become.

As far as how you go from a hero to a ratbastard? I think there's something in the water in DC. The longer you stay the more of a ratbastard you become.


Anonymous said...

McCain being a POW does not make him an angel. It doesn't even keep him from being an asshole.

Officers, even in the air wing of the Squids, are subject to the same Bell Curve as everyone else, ~5% total assholes, ~5% total saints and everyone else scattered about the middle.

Everything I've ever read about McCain says he is closer to the total asshole side of the curve.


Anonymous said...

Agreed. Definitely not arguing any of that.


Jess said...

McCain was given the responsibility to represent the interests of his constituents, preserve the Constitution and not allow the evils of political power to corrupt his character. He's failed in all three tasks.

Anonymous said...

Benedict Arnold was an American war hero before he was a traitor to America.

Anonymous said...

And, John Glenn, who flew airstrikes in Korea, sold his soul for another ride on a rocket. "By their works shall ye know them." Just sayin'.

Sir H the Comet

Anonymous said...

We had Max Cleland, a triple amputee, who was defeated for re-election. At the time, I was fearful that he would ride his missing limbs to a full-fledged career in the Senate.
I am sorry that he got wounded, but I do not believe that gives him the right to re-election forever. I was glad at his defeat, not personally, but glad nonetheless.
I find it dishonest for people to trade on their wounds and afflictions, even if they were received because someone dropped a hand grenade at a R&R location.
McCain claims to be a wild creature, always going his own way. Well, that's not his job. And we can take a 2X4 to a wild critter to get their attention. He is ONE of one hundred, but still is an employee. I'd like to see him retire. Oh, finally remembered, Maverick is the critter. A wild cow wandering off all by itself, far from the herd. Yup, that fits.

Anonymous said...

Josh, as a veteran I can say that whatever capital McCain might have gained whilst a POW he has squandered mightily and deserves no further leave.


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