have a week to finish a project I'm doing for someone and everything is
running amok. The latest being that my camera's 30GB Sandisk
became "Write Protected." I spent two fricking hours on this only
discover (I know, you knew about it) that there is a Write protection
tab on that little bitty, size of my fingernail, drive! I
had to put
on reading glasses and take it to sunlight to see the slide. So
is where dotage has led me. Is he still President? Marc Miller has a GREAT CAMPAIGN IDEA Cuzzin Ricky asks, "What the hell?" Seattle Bans the Word “Citizen” Because it Might Offend Non-Citizenshttp://www.komonews.com/news/local/City-officials-urge-ban-on-potentionally-offensive-language----218033521.html
Merrily sends https://sphotos-a-iad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/1146721_10151670370917740_1785094384_n.jpg Marc Miller again Is Terry McAuliffe’s Million Car A Year Factory
Completely Phony?
McAuliffe's company told Chinese investors it was building a factory to
produce up to a million cars a year -- a million cars – that’s more
than Chrysler’s total sales of domestic cars and trucks
combined. Now people are asking where did some $28.5 million go, but Fast
Terry and GreenTech Automotive aren't talking. Fast Terry, Clinton Snot, – Full Movie http://fastterry.com/?page_id=500 sent from my iBIDET |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
From My iBIDET
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
I totally expect McAwful to get elected to the VA governorship. He's played the game, given the proper piles of money {other peoples} to the 'right' candidates, he mouths the proper words, smiles at the right times, is glib and relatively personable.
Only thing is, he's as crooked as they come. "Somehow" he sold all HIS stock in mumble-mumble Telco{brain fart} before it tanked. Turned a $10k investment or such into millions... because he was given access to the right people.
Go ahead, VA, elect the crook. You will eventually get what you desire. But you won't be governed, you will be ruled. Once the real crooks take hold, every government office becomes a political plaything. Jobs are 'bid' to the highest contributor. Contracts somehow always seem to miss your bid by just a little... Too fricken bad.
You will have Chicago by the Roanoake, or Potomac. I don't know the difference. And it won't really matter. Service will decline and taxes go up. Good luck with that. Sayanora.
tomw -
8/13/13, 9:12 AM
JMcD said...
Our next teleprompter president?
From Drudge:
Hillary cites 'Medgar Evans'...
Evers' family hero Medgar
fouled through the lips of Hillary, Evans
bitch botch.
227 -
8/13/13, 2:08 PM
- DJMoore said...
Regrettably, no, Reagan left office awhile back.
One of the servants, that smart mouthed boy who kept writing rude notes in the margins of the law books, has taken over. No clue how that happened. -
8/13/13, 2:42 PM