scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Obama close to impeachment
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
iri said...
"Barack Obama is a personal friend of mine."
I cut it off right there. F'k that guy with a telephone pole. This is why we lose. We listen to this bullshit and don't pick up on the qualifiers.
For that little nod to the criminal and traitor I'd hang him right next to the One. After a fair and speedy trial of course.
8/24/13, 6:35 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Pish. Coburn is, I believe, the first U.S. Senator to broach the subject (which sent Axelrod into fits). The Senate has some quaint rules for decorum and demands re: comity.
8/24/13, 7:22 PM
Emil Nytraht said...
I agree as I think he was just trying to establish that he is a decent fellow and NOT racist....More than I would have said, but I don't hate him for the effort.
8/24/13, 7:51 PM
Anonymous said...
I thought of all that but... Who want's to stand up and say Barak Obama is a personal friend of mine? Wishy washy PC bullshit got us into this mess.
I don't know that's, what the fair and speed trial is about but I'm going to check him out. Words like that mean more than what we'd like them to. Tom Colburn..where have I heard that name.... -
8/24/13, 8:03 PM
iri said...
Here's page one of 500,000 +
Tom Coburn: Tea Party Turncoat - Newsweek and The Daily Beast
Jul 25, 2011 - Tom Coburn is now paving the path to compromise. ... “The hard right says I'm a RINO now,” Coburn says, referring to the term—Republican in ...
Tom Coburn: RINO › RINOs
Aug 13, 2011 - Thomas Allen “Tom” Coburn, M.D. (born March 14, 1948), is an American politician, medical doctor, and Southern Baptist deacon. Coburn ...
Images for tom coburn rino
- Report images
See, I told you so: Tom Coburn is a RINO wimp! | Mofo Politics
Jul 22, 2012 - MP is the official arbiter of conservatism, exposing those who have betrayed the conservative movement and facilited the decline of our once ...
Vanity: Tom Coburn Facebook getting RIPPED for Gun Vote
Apr 11, 2013 - Skip to comments. Vanity: Tom Coburn Facebook getting RIPPED for Gun Vote ... KEYWORDS: coburn; guncontrol; rino; secondamendment ...
Sen. Tom Coburn Does A Last Minute Stupak Shuffle: Senate ...
Jan 28, 2011 - Tom Coburn Senator Tom Coburn had a stark promise for Democrats who sold their votes for promises of federal appointments or jobs if they ...
Tom Coburn = Scumbag RINO - West End Zone › ... › Freeloaders and Muzzle-loaders
Feb 8, 2013 - ...
Coburn endorses Romney « Hot Air
Mar 4, 2012 - Being called a RINO these days has become a meaningless schoolyard epithet since it now evidently equates someone like Tom Coburn with ...
another rino honorable sen tom coburn (r- ok) – wants to raise taxes
Apr 25, 2011 - “Coburn said on national TV today that he lied his way into office and will vote to raise taxes if he damn well feels like it, never mind what he ...
Tom Coburn is a total rino, he has been... - I AM THE TEA PARTY ...
Tom Coburn is a total rino, he has been a rino for years. I love to see this on MSNBC. MSNBC totally mischaracterizes Ted Cruz's position and then...
Sen. Tom Coburn: I Will Have Difficulty Supporting Newt Gingrich as ...
Dec 4, 2011 - Oklahoma conservative Senator Tom Coburn told Chris Wallace today ... He's a RINO and The Hill today said he has a “warm relationship” with ...
8/24/13, 8:08 PM
iri said...
Oh, now I remember....
8/24/13, 8:10 PM
Emil Nytraht said...
After trying several of those links am I to conclude that Coburn is a "page not found"natianot 22?
8/24/13, 8:20 PM
Emil Nytraht said...
I'll certainly keep my eye on him....He definately ain't me as I would have said Obungle is a low down Communist m*th*rf*ck*r....I ain't trying to be a decent fellow and we've already established I'm a racist (I refer you to the Paul Weston video below)
8/24/13, 8:37 PM
iri said...
I gave up trying to be decent some time ago. Now I just try and be something less than a total SOB. I do it for my Mom, God rest her soul.
8/24/13, 8:49 PM
Anonymous said...
iri's last name is Tate
8/25/13, 6:43 AM
irri said...
That's what you said last time. It's still funny.
8/25/13, 8:48 AM
Anonymous said...
"Perilously close to impeachment"?
Where the phuck has he been for the last five years? Or is this the Tommie from the Pinball Wizard?
Geo -
8/25/13, 9:47 AM
Cheesy said...
To paraphrase, "I wouldn't be a friend of anyone that would have him as a friend."
8/25/13, 12:59 PM
Anonymous said...
To paraphrase, "I wouldn't be a friend of anyone that would have him as a friend."
Wouldn't it be a gas to hear what Groucho would say about Obama??
Really miss the Marx boys x -
8/25/13, 2:09 PM
Cheesy said...
"I once shot a light skinned African-American with no Negro dialect in my pajamas"?
8/25/13, 5:21 PM
Anonymous said...
Gargle "Coburn OKs Obama Nominee For OPM Director Katherine Archuleta After Congressional Staffers Get Obamacare Waiver"
Where's my waiver? Bastiges... neutron b o m b for DC
8/25/13, 11:14 PM