scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Speaking of Coffee
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
Are dudes painting their nails now? Cripes.
MM -
8/20/13, 1:23 PM
iri said...
Obama dude's do.
8/20/13, 1:40 PM
Anonymous said...
This is why the right is losing elections. We get our old fashioned panties in a bunch over nonsensical BS.
It's 2013, and this is the first guy with painted nails you've ever seen!?? No wonder the other side calls us out of touch. I'm a 40 yr old rock musician. I have long black hair (down to my waist), a goatee, pierced ears, and even occasionally painted nails, depending on the venue I'm playing. I've got a $60K/yr day job, and I vote for the most Conservative person on the ballot every time.
A person's appearance says NOTHING about that person other than telling you how they like to appear.
It's time we stopped insulting people who look different & worrying about inconsequential crap, and started focusing on our superior ideas. That's how we go about winning elections instead of losing them.
--Anon2112 -
8/20/13, 2:35 PM
iri said...
"... and even occasionally painted nails..."
Whoa dude, too much information! -
8/20/13, 3:42 PM
Steve in Greensboro said...
Off topic, Elmore Leonard passed today. He makes the third of the "Get Shorty" transitions. (Gandolfini, Farina, Leonard.) RIP, all.
8/20/13, 3:44 PM
Emil Nytraht said...
Pretty much solves the coffee question!
8/20/13, 4:16 PM
Anonymous said...
"Whoa dude, too much information!"
I give up! Maybe we all really are intolerant bigots ...
--Anon2112 -
8/20/13, 6:01 PM
- Wabano said...
Aye, thank to Morsi's gang, regular people, they are shooting folks with beards now(with good reasons).
Some "things" are displayed for politics, some times, you know, OR MORE...
Like, show your ass mean you want a dick up there,
Same with women, in Europe, those flashing their vagina,
they want your money!
So, cry me a river...if you dress up as a tranny...
Some perv is going to propose...guarantee! -
8/20/13, 6:20 PM
iri said...
"Maybe we all really are intolerant bigots ..."
Indeed we are. It's part and parcel of being human.
8/20/13, 6:27 PM
Tom Smith said...
Pretty common palming trick. Not nearly as impressive as wrecking the country in plain site and going "taa daa". Most conservatives dont care if nails are painted or ball sacks get waxed.
8/20/13, 9:17 PM
Anonymous said...
"That's why the right is losing elections" Oh really? Because the traditional in us says, sheesh, are dudes painting their nails?
Buy a fucking clue pal, your homo nails aren't the reason we're losing elections-BTW whatever happened to 2010, seems like conservatives kicked some ass?
We're losing elections because there's a Republican establishment that feels the need to pander to yokels like you rather than stay true to our conservative principles-the painted nails being a metaphor for the thick headed out there.
Frankly if you want to paint your nails, knock yourself out but that's not the way the men in my family raised me. I'll side with the guys that rode belly gunner(my dad) and fought at Iwo Jima(my godfather) over whatever you are.
MM -
8/20/13, 10:10 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
It's hard to get a laugh in this place, wot.
8/20/13, 11:12 PM
Anonymous said...
My problem with his nails is not that they were painted, but that they were painted badly. A public figure doing something in public should pay a little more attention to his appearance.
And I believe Anon2112 has the right to paint his nails, whether or not he served in WWII. I didn't fight on Iwo Jima either, 'cause I was too young. But my dad and uncle did. I served in Viet Nam, and retired from the U.S. Navy as a Chief Petty Officer. And until chemotherapy made my hair go away, it was well past my shoulders, 'cause I'm a guitar player too.
Don't get hung up on people's outsides, when it's their insides that really count!
PvtCdr(SS) MichigammeDave -
8/21/13, 7:26 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
How are things MichigammeDave?
8/21/13, 9:05 AM
Anonymous said...
Well than, I guess I'm outta here-cya around Rog
MM -
8/22/13, 8:50 AM
Anonymous said...
Thanks! But be prepared to be called a fag for having common sense.
So a man is automatically a homo for not fitting in to a predefined set of fashion choices, huh? Please, please, PLEASE find Ted Nugent and call him a fag for having long hair. And don't let his guns or bows distract you. Stand up for your opinion. You're the sole arbiter of manliness, and he needs to be put in his place!
--Anon2112 -
8/22/13, 2:41 PM
- Juice said...
WoW! All of this over a magic trick. I had no idea how political a coffee cup could be. But. Sure getting to know who people are around here, for better and worse.
My marriage, my children, our family, have been guided by "pick and choose your fights" and what just isn't worth it. Long hair, short hair, blue hair, green hair, NOT worth fighting over. Neither is black nail polish on a guy.
8/23/13, 12:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL! I actually had blue hair back in my 20s, Juice :)
And that's my point. Ideas are what matter. My dad served in Korea. He's the kind of man that inspired "The Most Interesting Man in The World" character. He's never had a problem with my or anyone else's appearance.
It's all about the thoughts in your head.
--Anon2112 -
8/23/13, 3:56 PM
- Juice said...
Anon 2112,
Our daughter had blue hair in middle school. As it faded, it turned green. She/we didn't mind that color either. She was an AP student and did years in USAF on AC-130 Gunships.
Our son went through shaved head, wallet chain, Doc Martin (type) boots. He went in a mosh pit. He was not a skin head. He was an AP student and workaholic in university. He is very accomplished today. YEP! There you have it. -
8/23/13, 5:24 PM
- Juice said...
*10 years in USAF...
8/23/13, 5:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Yup, I had the green fade happen, too! :)
Glad to hear you didn't let your kids' tastes affect your ability to parent! They sound like great people!
--Anon2112 -
8/26/13, 5:09 PM