scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
The Enemy are ...
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Steve in Greensboro said...
If Al-Gorezeera TV shows up on your cable system, then cancel (and let them know why you did).
8/20/13, 9:56 AM
- Juice said...
Hey Steve - No need to cancel everything over one channel. Yet. At least not at our house.
Fox News has been a leader because the viewership is profitable. If no one tunes in to Al Jazeera "America" it will get dropped or sold just like CurrGorent TV. As long as they don't give free JazPhones to the low-non informed that is. -
8/20/13, 11:21 AM
- Juice said...
It has been proven by facts that Dem's are lower than worms and less useful, but they have only gained the success of their dirty, treasonous deeds because, as the article stated, "But the Republicans caved, and the staff director of the Democrats, Christopher Mellon, built his own autonomous apparatus." So today, Republicans are as useful as Democrats are destructive and that turns my stomach to rot.
8/20/13, 11:31 AM
Anonymous said...
Those boxes in the accompanying picture are coffins for later use when Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackass, and the Komrade Mother-f***ing Liar In Chief all assume room temperature. They are all pigs and they are all assholes.
Scottiebill -
8/20/13, 1:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Why is anyone watching any of that shit anyway? Jesus, mind as well put your brain in a blender and puree the sucker.
MM -
8/20/13, 1:30 PM
Steve in Greensboro said...
I understand, Juice.
For what it’s worth, I cancelled cable a year ago 1) to avoid as much as possible subsidizing the hive of commies that is the American media and 2) the entertainment alternatives via Roku, Netflix and Amazon Prime are more than enough. Fox is not conservative (it is middle of the road, giving a platform for various commies in the interest of false “balance”) and everything else is far, far left. I don’t want even a small fraction of my money going to e.g. MSNBC.
Conservatives need to withhold their money from the media and political establishments (including the RNC), because they are hives of commies. The other side of the coin is that when we do find an effective conservative in media or politics, we need to support him with money (e.g. the Tea Partiers that the primarying Lindsay Graham and Lamar Alexander). -
8/20/13, 3:04 PM
iri said...
Steve hit that one right on the money. Every word is true. I cancelled cable about a year ago as well. Don't miss it a bit.
8/20/13, 4:02 PM
Emil Nytraht said...
I dropped cacle about 8 years ago...... the dry heaves were wearing me out.
8/20/13, 4:41 PM
Emil Nytraht said...
cable dammit..... erfffgh!
8/20/13, 4:43 PM
Emil Nytraht said...
Hah!...boneless pork rectums!
I didn't even think you could get those anymore (if you actually wanted them). Thought they were all used in tacos at that Mexican fast food place....You know..the one whose buildings look like the Alamo or a mission or something.
Course what's REALLY hard to find are those "Bone In Pork Rectums", that's what really hard to find....Near impossible. -
8/20/13, 5:28 PM
- Juice said...
One thing I will agree 100%, even FOX News is too liberal for me! It tends to be too neutral. I liked it better back in its early days when it was clearly "bent" toward conservative. -
8/20/13, 5:30 PM
- Juice said...
Emil Nytraht,
I'm clearly wanting to understand the story behind the new monicker. Hopefully it will produce a chuckle. -
8/20/13, 5:32 PM
Emil Nytraht said...
Hey Juice....I thought Amyl Nitrate was a chuckle.
8/20/13, 5:37 PM
- Juice said...
Emil Nytraht- Chuckle!!
8/20/13, 9:09 PM
Anonymous said...
"Bone In Pork Rectums", that's what really hard to find
Ask Bawney Frank. He knows all about Bone In Rectums.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
8/20/13, 11:11 PM
Emil Nytraht said...
Hey you're right Lt.Col.
For Barn, they'd have to be kosher...or Halal, No?
Nah............................ -
8/20/13, 11:28 PM