no apparent reason I awoke trying to reason on Mahometanism;
specifically this. Mahometanist's reaction to portrayal of
image, like the Danish cartoonist who had a jihad called
him. Here's the quandary.
"You shall not
make for yourself a
graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or
that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth;
you shall not bow down to them or serve them; for I the LORD your God
am a jealous God ... First
Although that prohibition against Muhammad
imagery is a
recent one, appearing nowhere in the Koran, it's basis is God's
instruction to Moses about graven images in the First
Commandment. But
wait! Mohammed is the "Prophet Mohammed," right. It seems
to me,
then, that by applying the graven
proscription to him, Muslims are elevating him to God status.
And when Muslims prostrate themselves to say daily prayers, where do
they face? Not toward the heavens, or Mount Sinai (where the
commandments were handed down, but facing Mecca—Muhammed's
birthplace. That is Jihad fodder.
"Well, Jane, it
just goes to show you,
it's always something--if it ain't one thing, it's another."
All this illustrates my fear about
the spread of
culture in our country. Anybody can be an Imam. In the
Middle East
he's often the guy in town who can read the Koran, or pretend that he
can. I alluded to the Danish cartoon jihad, which was sparked my
Imam Ahmed Akkari. People died.
During the cartoon crisis Ahmed Akkari
acted as a preacher and spokesman for the Islamic Society, inciting
hatred and struggle against Denmark and freedom of expression, but
today he has basically changed attitude and broken with his former
comrades. [Islam
versus Europe] |
"Never mind." |