Thursday, September 12, 2013

Pawn Stars


Husband pawns wife for money to buy drugs
Wife refuses to return to husband; 'new owner' also refuses to let her go

'new owner' also refuses to let her go was the tip-off that this wasn't the Clintons, wasn't it?

Hoes in the Outfield


iri said...

NDFU is what I see in this story. The one below on that link is fun too. Sri Lanka isn't that much different from LA or Houston it seems. Small world.

Randy JMcD said...

The second Sri Lanka story was interesting about a woman "sexually abusing" a sixteen year old boy..... ????
Sexual abuse would be if she tied him up, laid his dick on an anvil, and beat it with a club.
Screwing him regularly is NOT sexual abuse, unless I guess, he's gay.
Where in the hell were all these horny ladies when I was 16?

iri said...

They were there you just didn't hear about it. Women's lib has had its unintended consequences you know. That's all about hating men so these things shouldn't be a surprise us.

Anonymous said...

Well, when I was 16, they were all in high school.

Now that I am 60, they are all about my age, but still pretty enthusiastic.

Plus, the age of consent is still 16 in Colorado, and since I have a medical marijuana card,

... I'm just going to let you use your imagination.

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