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scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Thursday, September 05, 2013
Putin:Kerry is Lying
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
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Anonymous said...
So Putin thinks that Heinz-Kerry (or should it be Kerry-Heinz?) is lying.
So what the hell else is new?
Scottiebill -
9/5/13, 12:25 PM
TimO said...
Bad photographer cropped the top of his head off.
Here's a photo of him without the crop:
http://media.monstersandcritics.com/articles3/1699400/article_images/herman_munster_001.jpg -
9/5/13, 12:51 PM
iri said...
You know it's bad when a former KGB hit man is more believable than a former US Army defector.
9/5/13, 1:59 PM
- Jess said...
Putin figuratively just gave Kerry a wedgie.
I find that funny.
As far as the Syrian crises, my bet is on Obama replacing Kerry, spouting tons of nonsense, crucifying as many people as it takes to hide his incompetence, and breathing a huge sigh of relief when the press stops reporting on his failures every minute of the day. -
9/5/13, 2:16 PM
bocopro said...
How DARE he make such an accusation! Why, right in front of our esteemed SecState at the Congressional hearings was a placard with the word "Honorable" on it.
I mean, Really! How much more proof is required to demonstrate the veracity and credibility of a man who was awarded THREE purple hearts and a combat medals which include the Silver Star and Bronze Star.
The man is a certified, bonafide, patriotic hero. And don't you forget it, Putin. -
9/5/13, 3:29 PM
JMcD said...
Pretty much the same as saying, "KERRY IS BREATHING" isn't it?
Or was John "funnybone" Kerry famously, "just kidding". -
9/5/13, 3:38 PM
Anonymous said...
iri, Jawn F'n Kerry is a Navy traitor who has never released his full military file, met with the Vietcong and Norks in Paris while still in the US Navy reserves, friend of Hanoi Jane, and no doubt pardoned by Jummy Carter,.. not an Army whatsit as you posted.
L/Cpl First Class Slack -
9/5/13, 7:26 PM
iri said...
That's right I forgot he was a fisherman on a Navy Swift boat. My apologies to the Army.
9/5/13, 9:35 PM
AndyJ said...
After much thought, I have come to the conclusion that we SHOULD attack Syria. Now, to get the best results, we should use our best and most battle hardened warriors available. Since McCain is an "experienced" pilot and Kerry is a battle hardened sailor, they should be the first two going into battle. When Assad sees these two "best of America's military warriors" coming, he will probably surrender immediately. Can't you just picture McCain in his fighter bomber and Kerry driving his Swift Boat up to the shore with guns blazing. Makes your heart swell with pride.
9/6/13, 4:17 AM
Anonymous said...
Andyj ... What a vision!
Uhhh. Slight problem. Kerry shot at a rock and injured himself with a splinter that flew back... Not so good to strike fear. Shooting rice was another heroic act...
The 'Maverick' def: lost cow that won't go with the herd and needs rescue ... got shot down by a missile after crashing a few rides at home. Don't know if he could find his way to Damascus or any other particular spot.
But it was a nice thought....
tomw -
9/6/13, 9:10 AM