Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sex Jihad


News emerged a few weeks ago in Arabic media that yet another fatwa had called on practicing Muslim women to travel to Syria and offer their sexual services to the jihadis fighting to overthrow the secularist Assad government and install Islamic law. Reports attribute the fatwa to Saudi sheikh Muhammad al-’Arifi, who, along with other Muslim clerics earlier permitted jihadis to rape Syrian women.

Muslim women prostituting themselves in this case is being considered a legitimate jihad because such women are making sacrifices—their chastity, their dignity—in order to help apparently sexually-frustrated jihadis better focus on the war to empower Islam in Syria.

And it is prostitution—for they are promised payment, albeit in the afterlife. The Koran declares that “Allah has purchased of the believers their persons [their bodies] and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain (Yusuf Ali trans. 9:111).

On the basis of this fatwa, several young Tunisian Muslim girls traveled to Syria to be “sex-jihadis.” Video interviews of distraught parents bemoaning their daughters’ fates are on the Internet, including one of a father and mother holding a picture of their daughter: “She’s only 16—she’s only 16! They brainwashed her!” pleads the father. [Full]

Res Ipsa Loquitur


iri said...

Madonna approves though I'm sure she'd say 16 is a little old to begin.

Emil Nytraht said...

Ahmad “Abadabadaba” Maleek has offered his services to the troops saying, “If those sluts can do 100 of the guys, I’ll do 200!”
Religious leaders are taking the offer under advisement due to the tense and dangerous times and the need for R&R for “our boys”………. Ahmad has even offered to bring along his goat, for simulating threesomes for the fighting men with possible shell shock or severe withdrawal symptoms of missing their fiances……….. Bravo Ahmad (PBUH)

iri said...

You know, there's really a lot to hate about Musslums. Never mind the goat f***Ing, the throat slitting and the hate of everyone and everything...they all just give off this nuke me 'till I bleed vibe.

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