scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Tuesday, September 03, 2013
Who passed Gas?
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
The premise that not only did the gas attack come from the rebels, but with Obama complicit in the planning is way over the top.
Unless you know about the bin-Laden raid.
Unless you know about Benghazi (which he and Hillary ought be on trial for as we speak).
Unless you are ignorant of the litany of actions where Obama has been willing to do, or say anything to get what he wants. -
9/3/13, 7:20 PM
iri said...
Rush just stuck his neck out a mile. He wouldn't do that without something in hand he's not mentioning.
9/3/13, 7:23 PM
- Juice said...
What if circumstances prove that Saddam's chemical weapons, indeed, turn up in Syria, what sources will report it?
Okay, I could be very wrong here and I don't mind a factual response. -
9/3/13, 9:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rush was quoting from a four page article written by someone else.
9/3/13, 10:16 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you, Juice. I've been waiting for someone to ask where the militarized chemical weapons came from.
This won't be pursued, but it would put to bed the expression: "Bush Lied; people died."
9/3/13, 11:52 PM
Anonymous said...
Nothing will stop the Bush bashing. It is all they have - they are totally inept and blame works for morons and liberals....oops they are one in the same. When you need to use Alinsky tactics and the blame game you know you got NUTHIN!
Bolivar -
9/4/13, 6:33 AM
Trialdog said...
Juice asks a good question. Let's spice it up.
What if the chemical weapons came from Libya?
Wouldn't that just 'splain about everything?
We know the Turks caught al Qaeda operatives smuggling Sarin and artillery shells. Where did it come from and why do we assume they caught all the smugglers? Don't we know weapons were being smuggled for the Syrian "rebels" from Libya through Turkey? -
9/4/13, 9:26 AM
DonM said...
I am retired now but I had satellite imagery of Russian trucks hauling chemical weapons out of Iraq to Syria in the several weeks before the war. Assad has never had a chemical weapons program. Some in the intelligence community have known for a long time how the chem bio materials were not found.
9/4/13, 9:53 AM
drew458 said...
DonM we all saw those pictures on TV. 100s and 100s of trucks leaving Iraq and going to the Bekka Valley. Going from one Ba'athis regime to another. And it all started the moment Senator Turncoat visited Saddam and told him we were coming.
SondraK posted one of the pics just the other day.
Now, WMDs from Libya, hmmm. But old uncle Mohmar promised he gave up all his naughty toys when he suddenly became our best buddy on 9/12/01.
9/5/13, 12:12 PM