scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Liberals discover the real ObamaCare
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
Lenin called them 'useful idiots'. The fun part is yet to come. Wait til the guvmint restricts malpractice claims and lawsuits.
Tim -
10/22/13, 7:28 AM
Jason in KT said...
If they had called it "The Expensive Rationing Death Panels Act," nobody would have voted for it. Just like nobody would have voted for a candidate who admitted to being a homosexual, drug addicted, moslem, communist.
10/22/13, 8:32 AM
drew458 said...
Screw 'em all, let it go down in flames. At this point my sour grapes have turned to bile. Let them suffer, and hopefully die. By the millions I hope.
Stoopid fucks. Were they not paying attention for 2 solid years? "Pass this bill before you read it" is grounds for a firing squad.
The only ray of hope is that the ones who survive just might be able to then see the parallel between this and endless deficit spending. Maybe. Don't hold your breath; to a leftist there really is such a thing as free lunch: it's served after free breakfast and before free dinner. With your choice of tasty beverage, right over here at the Unicorn Inn.
10/22/13, 9:02 AM
Anonymous said...
Quote a comment from hotair.com
I’m confused. Before Obamacare, we the insured covered the emergency room visits of the poor/the illegal immigrants, the homeless, etc through our premiums and the hospital charity programs.
Why is it costing so much more to cover the same thing via insurance?
katiejane on October 12, 2013 at 9:45 AM
Anyone? Ms Sebelius? Prez O?
tomw -
10/22/13, 9:14 AM
renojim said...
10/22/13, 9:45 AM
iri said...
"Why is it costing so much more to cover the same thing via insurance?"
Look at the rise of healthcare stocks prior to implementation. Look at AARP signing on to Obamacare way ahead of passing the bill. They all new up front that they (the health companies) could raise prices, lower service and in general screw you until your eyes popped out...because it's the LAW.
10/22/13, 10:04 AM
Anonymous said...
Does it still feel so good to have a black man in the Spite House?
10/22/13, 10:32 AM
Anonymous said...
Irene Waldron wrote that Obama lied. So what the hell else is new???
Scottiebill -
10/22/13, 12:45 PM
- rickn8or said...
renojim, here, let a professional do that for you.
drew458, sour grapes mixed with hippie tears makes the sweetest wine...
For all those LIVs that thought Chicago Jesus was going to give you free health care to go with your ObamaPhones and mortgages and EBT cards: "Suck it bitchez!!" -
10/22/13, 1:31 PM
- rickn8or said...
Well, it seems my html-fu is not worth a fu- this morning.
Let a professional do that for you. -
10/22/13, 1:35 PM
- rickn8or said...
First the ACA website and now this...
www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=GPz-j3bfq3E#t=6 -
10/22/13, 1:40 PM
Merrily said...
Then they'll point 'em all towards the single-payer system, and the sheep will stampede to it. Evil plan perfectly executed.
10/22/13, 5:42 PM
Leonard Jones said...
Has anyone else noticed that all of
these are by women?
Gyno-Americans are by nature liberal.
Without the women's vote, Obama would
never have been elected. Now, they
are being bitch-slapped by the
reality of Obamacare.
If this keeps up, by 2014 there will will not be enough Democrats
to carry a single state!
10/22/13, 6:48 PM
Anonymous said...
"If this keeps up, by 2014 there will will not be enough Democrats
to carry a single state!"
That's why the Socia.....Democrat Party is so hot to legalize 30 million socialists from Central America. They always vote for the Socialist-Communist-Marxist candidate!
Sincerely, Armageddon Rex
Still bitter and clingin' to my guns! -
10/22/13, 10:57 PM
Anonymous said...
Ruefully - this is not going to end well.
Smugly - You shat your bed in 2008 and again in 2012, you Proggy bitchez, now roll over and enjoy the smell. C'mon, roll over again and take a big whiff. Get your whole family in there, because you shat in their beds too. Show them what you did. Aren't you proud?
Don't cry to us. We told you so.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
10/25/13, 10:01 AM