scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Friday, October 18, 2013
The man needs close watching
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
They can have the generals on their side. On my side, I would much rather have enlisted men, and lower ranked officers. They are the ones that actually know which buttons and levers to push, and are still young enough for combat.
Light birds and full birds are middle managers, and just like all that group, some know what they are doing and some dont.
Generals just order their underlings to do what they do. I wager few generals have any idea how to fire a missle, fly a modern aircraft of any sort, etc.
jd -
10/18/13, 7:39 AM
- Juice said...
I am buying all of it. These are the moves necessary to become a dictator. Not one word about the WH being closed ALL this time, after all it is the Obama palace. He WILL impose marshal law on US citizens, because he has no plans to ever leave his home, the WH. And will use his military keeps things that way because they will be 'his' military. He has no fear of opposition. All ducks will be lined up and we are all watching it - now. First thing he did in first term, visit dictators.
btw, there's this: http://www.judicialwatch.org/blog/2012/10/obama-scores-dictator-trifecta/
10/18/13, 11:36 AM
- DougM said...
If memory serves, Stalin purged "his" senior military for political reasons.
That resulted in massive casualties and near defeat when the Nazis invaded.
I have no idea what's goin' on; but under this jackass, I'm willing to consider the possibility that mischief might be involved.
Possibility, not likelihood. -
10/18/13, 11:38 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
re the Judicial Watch Juice
it's dated October 18, 2013, but speaks of Hugo Chavez in the present tense?? -
10/18/13, 11:58 AM
Anonymous said...
I have nothing against Gen. Petraeus, but he was in the military 35 years before he saw combat. For what did he receive a chest full of medals...school ? My father and uncles got medals for combat.
10/18/13, 12:16 PM
Anonymous said...
Dan Hynes
10/18/13, 12:18 PM
Anonymous said...
there have been no nukes at Dyess in well over a decade. Its shit like this that makes Alex Jones look like such a blazing fool and us along with him.
10/18/13, 12:45 PM
- Juice said...
Actually Rodger, the post was written on October 2, 2012 (but the site date is current) so Chavez was alive at the time of the article. :)
10/18/13, 1:16 PM
Anonymous said...
The Ayatollah Obama should be removed for exactly the same reasons; Lack of trust and confidence in his leadership and judgement.
Scottiebill -
10/18/13, 2:15 PM
Anonymous said...
The admiral at STRATCOM and the general at 20th AF were in the nuclear chain of command. DOD has *always* been twitchy about any misbehavior around nukes.
I spent most of my AF career in SAC. Gambling and alcohol were reasonable reasons for relief back then. -
10/18/13, 6:44 PM
Anonymous said...
There ain't no party
Like the dictator party
Cause the dictator party
Don't stop.
Sir H the Comet -
10/18/13, 7:06 PM
Leonard Jones said...
He can fire every admiral and general
in the military, and it will not make
a bit of difference.
It is the enlisted men who will make
the the difference. Why do you think
the libs have worked so hard to dis-
enfranchise the military? They know
that 80 percent of the military are
In 1917, it was the Russian foot
soldiers who refused to fire on
citizens that led to the communist
revolution. If Obama orders "His"
military to shoot citizens, the
White House would be surrounded by
10/21/13, 8:08 PM