Thursday, November 21, 2013

Air Tech

TECHNO THRILLS                      


Neat, from Tommy Lee Smith.  I've posted several of these things in the past, and am now jaded, and somewhat bitter.  Some years ago I was moved to  invent the drone  by suggesting that these RC aircraft be equipped with a cockpit cam, rockets, and MGs, so school kids could patrol the US border at home, after school, and  napalm illegals.  It seems the military took that idea and called it a "drone."   Never made me an Admiral, nor pay me the  appropriate $5 mil (or even a farthing) for the concept.  

Anyway, while we're on the subject, this is some fun.

“In what only can be described as a scene out of Tom Cruise’s “Top Gun,” Gen. Mark A. Welsh III, Air Force chief of staff, describes how F-22 stealth jets scared off Iranian jets from a U.S. drone flying in international airspace.

The Aviationist reports that in March a U.S. MQ-1 drone came close to being intercepted by an Iranian F-4 Phantom combat plane, but the Iranian aircraft stopped short after a warning by an American pilot.

“He [the Raptor pilot] flew under their aircraft [the F-4s] to check out their weapons load without them knowing that he was there, and then pulled up on their left wing and then called them and said ‘you really ought to go home,’” Gen. Welsh said.

According to The Aviationist, the Iranians came within 16 miles of the drone.No word yet on whether Obama has fired all involved. [Full]

Also, this first clip, I think, fits into this mix.


Skoonj said...

Was that incident over international waters? Iranian airspace? I think we're not being told the full story.

leelu said...

The link is to a nicwe slide show. Link to The Avationist article??

Thanks, Boss...

leelu said...

Es aqui:

Helly said...

Sinapore Airlines HA.

This is what you get for feeding people nothing but rice.

Hell_Is_Like_Newark said...

Those RC planes crash realistically as well.

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