Monday, November 25, 2013

Obama. Kerry. Iran . Arghhhhhhhhh!

More historic than Jimmy Carter's snookering of Kim il-Jong




If Obama and Kerry were men of good character, which they are demonstratively not,  then this could be chalked up to more Liberal, Chamberlaineaque, naivety.  Instead it is one of two things, and since we here seem to be of the same mindset, we all know what they are.

  1. Obama and Kerry are incredibly stupid men, who have no record of performing a single selfless act, and whose careers are nowhere if not for the protection and promotion of a hard Liberal and sycophantic media. I mean, puh-leeeze.  Kerry. who lied under oath to congress about what  he observed in Vietnam, and who later headed a group that voted on whether to assassinate United States Senators!?  And Obamawho supposedly wrote and had published two books  before he had served two years  in Congress? 
  1. There is no second thing.  Both are performers in a play that is about, in Obama's own words,  Reclaiming Rewriting the American Dream so that it suits them and their sponsors.


Anonymous said...

The Umbrella Man
Chamberlains & Quislings
ignore amos

Snackeater said...

The Iranians agreeing to negotiate is just another stall tactic. One day soon we're going to wake up and find that it's no longer possible to prevent them from making a bomb.

Much like everything going on with 0bamacare is stall tactics: problems with the website requiring a couple months here, a couple months there to fix, delaying the mandates a few times, etc. And one day soon we'll wake up and find out it's no longer possible to prevent it's implementation.

Anonymous said...

Peace in our time?

XisDshiz said...

I think this image says it all:

iri said...

Poor Chamberlin, such a dupe but at least they had Churchill waiting in the wings. Who we got? Jeb Bush?

By the way the image below really tells it all. It's why we going to have to kill a whole bunch of people.

Anonymous said...

Snackeater, it is already 'too late' in that 5 million plus policies have been canceled. They will stay canceled, and the policyholders have two choices, it seems: 1) Buy an PPACA approved policy, or 2) go without.
The ruckus about the web site is a distraction, expensive one, but just that alone. Everyone cancelled is more or less 'in this alone', though there are a lot of people affected. They cannot really 'unite' to form anything powerful enough to change ACA, and stop the same thing happening next year when the employER mandate will take effect. Figure ballpark 60% cancellation rate of ~150M policies. It WILL happen unless the House and Senate are deluged with complaints by the citizens. It would take a deluge for there to be enough Senators motivated to change their vote, and overcome a veto, and that is if Harry could be forced to acquiesce. Right now, he's saying 'too bad, sucks to be you' to those Sens who are likely facing defeat, though it will mean his job will become minority instead of majority. He is Barry's pawn, and does not mind...
In Short: PPACA is here to stay as Reid won't let anything change Obama's baby. Only way is a revolt of the D's in the Senate, and I don't see that happening.
The results are a feature, not a bug. Single payer sooner.
I would not like to be a D from the House next fall unless in a district like Ms Pelosi's.

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