Friday, November 22, 2013

Shooting Tom Jefferson in the Face

The Color of War
"... the most important and most dangerous restructuring of Senate rules
since Thomas Jefferson wrote them at the beginning of our country,”

“This is the most important and most dangerous restructuring of Senate rules since Thomas Jefferson wrote them at the beginning of our country,” declared Senator Lamar Alexander, Republican of Tennessee. “It’s another raw exercise of political power to permit the majority to do whatever it wants whenever it wants to do it.”

ADA's president is Lynn Woolsey. Its vice presidents include such notables as Elijah Cummings, Eleanor Holmes Norton, and Jan Schakowsky. And among its honorary presidents are Barney Frank, John Lewis, Jim McDermott, George McGovern, and Charles Rangel. The organization's national director is Michael Wilson, a former official with the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union. (Discover The Networks)
The decision to press the button on the so-called nuclear option was no doubt cathartic for a Democratic majority driven to distraction by Republican obstructionism. President Obama had predicted his re-election would break the partisan fever gripping Washington, especially since the Tea Party movement swept Republicans to control of the House. It did not.

“Doing nothing was no longer an option,” said Senator Tom Udall of New Mexico, one of a new breed of Democrats who have pressed to reform Senate rules.

"... one of the new breed of Democrats who have pressed to reform Senate rules...," says the New York Times,  after sticking their heads out of the cloistered confines of brick wall Liberalism,  and blinded by light.  

The Americans For Democratic Action
combined average score for Senate Democrats in 2012 was 90% (Republican-12%), much the same as the 2010 chart above.  The numbers spiked upward, from 70% to 90%,  during the the Clinton era. New breed, indeed.

You will be very hard pressed to find any disagreement between the ADA and  Communist Party USA (CPUSA) since the late 80's,  when Democrats began ratcheting leftward in a big way.

 It is, or should be, the "DUH" of the year to say that Communism is inimical to the American Way of Life we all claim to love, even as Liberals throw great chunks of it down the sewer on a regular basis.  By any standard then,
this is the picture of today's two party system, no hyperbole intended,  The only difference is that Democrats have succeeded where the Red armies could not.  'Nuff said. 


Anonymous said...

I predict that the dims will appoint as many radicals they can, including Judges to the D.C. Circuit Court. Then after they get their heads handed to them in the '14 election, they will rescind the "rule" before the end of the Congress.

That way any republican attempt to get even will require them to "rewrite the rules" themselves. Besides Mitch Da Bitch has already surrendered and suggested they will only revert to the old rule if they win.

And they wonder why they get their collective asses kicked day in and day out?


iri said...

I predict blood in the streets.

Snackeater said...

From what I've read, the DC circuit court leans right so the (D)s are trying to stack it with three additional liberal judges, a la FDR. I've also heard that the three appointees are only filling long-open seats on the court.

While I'd tend to believe the former, does anyone know what the truth is, or where I can find some unbiased info?

Anonymous said...

Predicting blood in the streets is a fairly easy thing to do, and a somewhat gratuitous notion for those inclined to the provocative, given their own proclivity toward annoyance and condescension.

It’s more a matter of what constitutes the when and the why that we will see, in fact, “blood in the streets”: something which many here will stipulate to and defines informed thought on the matter.

Or would you simply rather supplant hyperbola for reasoned thought, once again?

But it is something we’ve become accustomed to, should that provides some comfort.


Steve in Greensboro said...

I like the Republican trend. If we get rid of McConnell, Lamar Alexander and Lindsay Graham in this next cycle, we should be able to get the red lines pretty close to zero.

Anonymous said...

Tapping out, moving to Bartlesville Oklahoma. Best of luck to you still in the game.

JMcD said...

Well politics is going to have to take second place to this:

"Scientists witness massive gamma-ray burst, don't understand it..."

Obviously, huge amounts of human produced CO2 have escaped Earth, migrated across space, and been drawn in by the gravity of a gigantic star, causing intense and runaway Solar Warming.
This star has exploded, releasing massive amounts of gamma rays!
This star will now implode, shrinking to the size of an atom, a black hole of infinite gravity, sucking in all matter and energy in the universe, and giving nothing in return.
The result will be known as the LibeRalaverse.

iri said...

"Predicting blood in the streets is a fairly easy thing to do, and a somewhat gratuitous notion for those inclined to the provocative, given their own proclivity toward annoyance and condescension."

I'll bet it took you an hour to write that jc. I guess I should say thanks?

Anonymous said...

Just 8 years ago, in 2005, the major schemers in this "nuclear option" fiasco, Reid, Schumer, Biden, Feinstein, and, of course, the Lying Mother-fucking Ayatollah Obama, were all adamantly against it. Hypocrites all. But we can expect no less from the lying liberals. And when the Dumbocrats get their asses, and walking papers, handed to them a year from now, this thing will be all George Bush's fault.


Anonymous said...

Scottiebill, I only hope they get their walking papers. I am not so sure the repukes are that much better. I have grown very tired of giving in to the left over and over. We look like we WANT them to bugger us and they do at every opportunity. Who can we run that will not puss out? There are few current repukes worthy of the name. Ted Cruz is one of the few Ican think of.


Merrily said...

Anon~ Welcome to Oklahoma. If you can weather the weather, you'll be happy here. Bartlesville is very nice.

Anonymous said...

I agree, Bolivar. They all need to get their walking papers, and, of course, their asses, handed to them in a year. We can only hope. And Ted Cruz is the top hand in the Republican side of the Senate. Most of the others, GOPers and RINOS alike, turned against Cruz after his 21-hour filibuster a couple of months back. And now, Cruz seems to be getting the last laugh on them. And that is good. Cruz's filibuster was probably the prime catalyst for Hypocrite Harry's nuclear option last week. At least in HH's little mind.

Maybe Cruz should consider running for President against Hillary in 2016. He might not have as much experience in Federal government operations. But he goddam sure has more than The Lying Mother-fucking Ayatollah Zerobama had when he duped the people into electing him. But at least Cruz honest and would not lie to us every time he said anything. That is a hell of a lot more that we can say for The Lying Ayatollah Zerobama.


Anonymous said...

But I thought Cruz was Canadian. (Or Mexican-Canadian?)

Hazy Dave

iri said...

The Conservatives will try to run him though he clearly doesn't qualify. That is he doesn't quality under the same rules we used to disqualify Obama. If he runs anyway, then I'll know he's a fake and a hypocrite; by my standards anyway. Oh, I think he's Cuban/Canadian or something like that.

Anonymous said...

Fair point, iri. But if Cruz does decide to run for President, you can bet your last dollar that, if he is asked for proof of his being American, he will provide everyone a look at his real birth certificate. That is more that The Lying Mother-fucking Ayatollah Obama has done.


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