"Formula" Our past and present future ABC ![]()
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, November 06, 2013
The FORMULA nails Cuccinelli
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
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Anonymous said...
Start the countdown clock for the indictment.
Sure glad the gop and rove pulled out their money from the race.
Geo -
11/6/13, 11:06 AM
Kauf Buch said...
To hell with the so-called "libertarian" idiots who made this possible.
I can understand in a situation where, say, someone like a Crispy Christie is the candidate, say, for President. But Cuccinelli?!? And for Governor?!?
What absolute (and ideologically "pure") jerks. -
11/6/13, 12:34 PM
Anonymous said...
I told a local Paulbot who works at my local McDonald's that Ron Paul endorsed Cuccinelli, and that the pseudo Libertarian Sarvis was financed by a Dem Uhbama bundler. If the King of Libertarians didn't endorse the Libertarian candidate, what does that tell you? Sarvis was a fake Libertarian running to puff his ego, not even realizing he was a tool of the Left.
The Paulbot, just like the Dems, was blinded by the ideology and the label and declared that Ron Paul was supporting Cuccinelli because his son Rand was a Republican? Huh?
I told the dweeb this am "to enjoy his Uhbamacare, increased electricty prices (McAuliffe is rabidly anti-coal) and state taxes to fund expanded Medicaid. You shat your bed, now roll over and enjoy the smell," and he just gave me a blank look.
We need to raise the voting age to age 30, except for those serving in the active military.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
11/6/13, 2:20 PM
Steve in Greensboro said...
10-4 Mr. Book and General dick. (Where did our Gary Johnson voters get to? Saliva Boy, you out there?)
But after having voted for McCain and Romney, if the 2016 choice is between Hillary and Jeb or Newark Fats, I am going to be hard pressed. -
11/6/13, 4:22 PM
Snackeater said...
Another perfect example why all elections should be runoff elections. No one should ever be allowed to govern if they don't get at least half the vote. McAuliffe and Cuccinelli should now be running against each other to see who the people truly want as governor.
11/6/13, 5:23 PM
iri said...
If you really want to make a difference write it up so the candidate with the least votes wins or use the phone book method. The odds of getting someone honest who cares goes way up.
11/6/13, 6:40 PM
Anonymous said...
Snackeater, I proposed exactly that in a conversation with my Republican delegate to the Virginia House before the 2012 elections, saying specifically that not having an absolute majority winner, ala Clinton in '92, just begs for a Dem sponsored shill to syphon off 5-10% of the Republican vote on Libertarian, Constitutional or other single issue appeal.
He blew me off with "Lincoln won with a plurality and he was a pretty good President."
I'm afraid he's another good ole boy who hasn't yet realized that the Progs are at war with the Constitution and the producers of this country, and the Progs will be perfectly content to skim off a nice cut of tax receipts for themselves, grift some kickbacks, and destroy the non-government bourgeoisie to keep their elite positions. In 2012, I watched returns district by district in many areas of the country, and third party candidates cost us a couple of Senate seats in close races and here in VA, a "Constitution Party" candidate sucked off critical votes from Romney.
Down but still kicking, I'm going to write an "I tolja so" letter to that Delegate and broach the issue again. It will be much tougher if not impossible now though, because the General Assembly meets only a maximum of 60 days in even-numbered years and 45 days in odd-numbered years. The next session will be under a Dem governor and the Senate, tied 20-20 Dem/Rep will have a new Dem Lt. Gov. to cast the tie breaking vote.
Last year, the Reps controlled the entire government.
Maybe I should do a Davey Crockett and tell them "You can go to hell, I'm going to Texas."
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
11/6/13, 8:12 PM
Snackeater said...
Tailgunner, I realize it's a pipe dream, much like term limits. Because runoff elections would make third parties viable, threatening power on both sides of the aisle (much like term limits). And neither side wants that. But I can dream.
11/6/13, 8:44 PM
- Skoonj said...
There needs to be a Green Party candidate in every election in the country. Do unto others as others have done unto you.
11/7/13, 2:46 PM