“ | The
Retired Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely called for the “forced resignations”
of President Obama and congressional leaders in response to multiple
grievances, including the alleged political purge of hundreds of senior
military officers, two retired U.S. generals are creating a citizens’
commission to scrutinize Obama administration actions on national
security and economic issues.
formerly the deputy commanding general of Pacific Command, said the
current crop of leaders must be forced to resign by the “demand
resignation” process, which he explained requires massive grass-roots
protests and social networking. As an example, he cited the public and
media pressure that led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon.
Impeachment, Vallely said, is not a viable option because of “partisan
Vallely reminds Americans that the Declaration of Independence itself states that whenever “any Form of Government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem more likely to affect their Safety and Happiness.” Vallely said the nation he long defended is self-destructing “before our very eyes,” because of “our inept and incompetent leadership in Washington.” “The battle is on,” he added, “and we shall not retreat.” (here and here)
” |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Then Force the Sumbitch Model
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
Impeachment is not a solution because of partisan politics.
True. But it is also because of the racial politics and bullshit that would be coming from all the known race hustlers, including Jesse Jackass, Al Never-was Sharpton all the black Democrats in both the Senate and House, as well as the latest race hustler to rear her ugly head, Oprah.
Scottiebill -
11/26/13, 12:18 PM
Anonymous said...
"That sort of media firestorm would never occur against a Democrat president (witness Clinton); unless."
{Add} Or the repubics.
They will never force or bring charges against the {real} first black President. Nobody has the "orbs" to do it.
Geo -
11/26/13, 1:38 PM
iri said...
Rotten heathen bastards such as you find make up the general population of the Middle East require despotic and ruthless leadership to make the trains run on time or no. America has become a country largely made up of rotten heathen bastards so a "forced resignation" of a few miscreants would be too little too late and probably a pipe dream in any case.
A military dictatorship might be just what the doctor ordered. Excuse me while I convert another IRA into gold, silver, bullets and booze.
Just kidding, I really think the Republicans will get us out of this mess. What?
11/26/13, 4:23 PM
JMcD said...
I agree iri, and I think that the Left will ultimately force upon us a Right Wing military dictatorship.
11/26/13, 9:28 PM
- pdwalker said...
You say that like it would be a bad thing. Would it be at this stage of the game?
11/27/13, 10:16 AM
JMcD said...
No, I meant that it'd would be the only way to cure the problems of a government voted in repeatedly by Socialists, Communists, illegal immigrants, government goldbricks, and welfare leeches.
Once they become the majority, there's no winning the elections away from them. -
11/27/13, 10:46 AM
Anonymous said...
Two thoughts come to mind: 1)WND is a little 'out there' and 2)people did not really like Nixon after the WaPo campaign to discredit him, just after winning re-election by good margin AND people DID like WJC, and considered his perjury to be 'personal', again after WaPo and NYT campaigns to minimize his behavior as being that, and parallel campaigns to present the House as being on a political witch hunt. A vast right wing conspiracy. Someone should tell HRC that sometimes people REALLY thing you are a crook, not just making stuff up to go after you. FWIW. Yeah my mind wanders. Sometimes I go after it...
tomw -
11/27/13, 1:50 PM
- lip said...
Anonymous Is A limpwristed coward. Nixon was a fall guy, WJC was a rapist that had a whole state run media protecting him.
11/27/13, 7:57 PM