Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tounge in cheek

Two Things
How did she get that way?
It was the boy next door
He laid her on the floor
And then to her surprise
She saw her belly rise

I found myself singing that schoolboy ditty just now while getting some coffee.  To the best of my knowledge, I haven't thought of that deal since Boy Scout Camp in '44.  WTF?  I think this has something to do with "M Theory."

Here's something else I don't get.


At least once a week I see a picture of a girl with a massively long tongue, posted by guys who caption it something like "my new girlfriend," or "every man's dream."   Huh?  I can see how a lesbian would appreciate that "package;" or a girl over a man with that tongue; but men?  I'd be afraid that she might get  carried away and block my wind pipe.  I mean, there's no finding a Heimlich maneuver in the back seat of a car.  At least the roll-over girl has gone to the trouble of training hers.  The mind boggles  there.  *shudder*


iri said...

Reptilian is the word that comes to mind.

USMC2841 said...

With a forked tongue like that she could sell "government funded" healthcare.

Anonymous said...

If a man had that, and a blow hole in the back of his neck to breath through.........

DougM said...

Size doesn't matter.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Tim Wins with an understated 10!

Cheesy said...

Don't need a blowhole in the back of your neck if you can breathe through your ears...

rickn8or said...

If I could breathe through my ears, I would never have to eat my own cookin' again.

Jess said...

In baseball, they call them "pinch-hitters". After a long game, it helps to have one to get a home run.

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