'Stuck in our own experiment':
Leader of trapped team insists polar ice is melting

Dec. 27, 2013: In this
image provided by Australasian Antarctic Expedition/Footloose
Fotography the Russian ship MV Akademik Shokalskiy is trapped in thick
Antarctic ice 1,500 nautical miles south of Hobart, Australia. (AP)
leader of a scientific expedition whose ship remains stranded in
Antarctic ice says the team, which set out to prove climate change, is
"stuck in our own experiment."
But Chris Turney, a professor of climate change at Australia’s
University of New South Wales, said it was “silly” to suggest he and 73
others aboard the MV Akademic Shokalskiy were trapped in ice they’d
sought to prove had melted. He remained adamant that sea ice is
melting, even as the boat remained trapped in frozen seas.
“We were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
- Professor Chris Turney, leader of trapped expedition
"We're stuck in our own experiment," the Australasian Antarctic
Expedition said in a statement. We came to Antarctica to study how one
of the biggest icebergs in the world has altered the system by trapping
ice. We ... are now ourselves trapped by ice surrounding our ship.
"Sea ice is disappearing due to climate change, but here ice is
building up," the Australasian Antarctic Expedition said in a statement.
Turney later told the ice surrounding
ship is old, rather than recently formed, and likely from a particular
75 mile-long iceberg that broke apart three years ago. Climate
may have prompted the iceberg to shatter and float into the previously
open sea where the mostly Australian team finds itself stranded, Turney
“The ice was swept across to this area by the South-East wind, its
pieces creating a knock-on domino effect,” Turney told,
speaking from a tent erected on the stranded ship’s top deck. “We were
just in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
But the situation has global warming skeptics poking fun at the
“Cute how these Warmists who hate fossil fuels take a trip to the
Antarctic to show just how horrible fossil-fueled climate change is,
then need rescue from their fossil-fueled trip by other fossil-fueled
ships and helicopters, which still can’t rescue them,” wrote one
blogger on Pirate’s
The website
said much of the media has bent over backward to avoid linking the
ship’s current fate with its mission.
“Somewhere far, far to the south where it is summer, a group of global
warming scientists are trapped in the Antarctic ice,” read a post on
the site. “If you missed the irony of that situation, it is because
much of the mainstream media has glossed over that rather inconvenient
bit of hilarity.”
So far, ice breakers have been unable to get closer than 10 miles from
the stranded ship, which is surrounded by ice up to 10 feet thick.
Stuck since Christmas Eve, it is about 100 nautical miles east of the
French base Dumont D'Urville, and about 1,500 nautical miles south of
Turney‘s team is studying climate change, as well as how wildlife is
adapting to it. He noted that numerous penguins have traipsed across
the ice from the nearby mainland to curiously observe the explorers.
A Chinese ice breaker was unable to reach the ship, and another vessel,
the Australian icebreaker Aurora Australis, got to within 10 nautical
miles of the stranded ship but couldn’t see it through a driving
blizzard, and had to turn back to open water. Turney told
his team is in good spirits, though it only has 10 days of food
Icebergs pose an even greater danger to the ship than the surface ice
that now has the ship in its grip, because they can pierce the hull of
a ship like the Akademic Shokalskiy, in a Titanic scenario . Lisa
Martin, of the Australian Maritime Safety Authority, which is
coordinating rescue attempts from their New South Wales headquarters
told icebergs have been seen in the area.
‘There are icebergs around,” agreed Turney. “[The ship] is not a good
The Aurora Australis is standing by in open water about 18 nautical
miles east of the stranded ship, and could attempt another rescue once
weather conditions improve, according to the Australian Maritime Safety
The best scenario for the scientists, agrees Turney, would be that the
Aurora would be able to make a path through the ice, and somehow assist
the Akademik Shokalskiy’s crew to turn their vessel around – not the
easiest task when hemmed in by solid pack ice – so that it could follow
the Australian icebreaker back into the safety of open water, and all
the expedition’s passengers could stay comfortably on board.
But indications are that the 74 will have to be evacuated. Turney says
that the captain of the Aurora has already offered specialized storage
space for samples collected during the expedition. And a helicopter
from a nearby Chinese ship is standing by to land on the ice next to
the stranded ship and transfer the team, sources say, probably to the
Aurora. []
is so funny to listen to these warmists, who have to be rescued from
their own folly. All the while insisting global warming is
melting the very ice they are stuck in. And now they have to rely
on icebreakers powered by the fossil fuels they say is melting the
ice! I wonder who triple dog dared them to go there."
this is the second most delicious thing I've seen all day!
Bravo. |
” |