Liberals No Sense of scale or proportion
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Saturday, December 07, 2013
Smug Liberals Tire Me Out
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Drew458 said...
Yowch. You guys are just as vicious as I am.
Yeah, the great black terrorist is dead. Prepare for an entire week or two of hearing how wonderful this mau mau lover was. Don't bat an eye if there is a spike in spontaneous mall riots or more fatalities in the knock-out game around the country. I'm sure those folks are "freedom fighters" too.
12/7/13, 3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Of course, Captain Benghazi could not be bothered to go to Margaret Thatcher's or Pope John Paul's funerals in 2013 and 2005, respectively. I mean, like, they were so white and anti-communist, and merely pulled down the Iron Curtain with Reagan, so he didn't even send one member of his regime to Thatcher's rites. He was involved in Reagan's funeral; he couldn't avoid that, it being in his own back yard.
I guess the world's most infamous couple will stop off at a safari camp or two, do some shopping, and make some photo ops with some thatched roof thugs during their jaunt to South Africa.
I wonder why Captain Benghazi and his Moocher didn't fly to another world famous terrorist's funeral, that of Yassar Arafat, in 2004?
Because they couldn't do it on the taxpayer dime, and they were not yet infamous enough to make the event all about them. I honestly believe he would have if he could have had US taxpayers pay for it or it was in a black country. Captain Benghazi talks about helping middle class Americans, but he wears his racism on his sleeve, emblazoned in red.
One of Mandela's few credits, IMHO, is that he did believe in his country's constitution, declining to serve another term as president. That makes him a far better man than Captain Benghazi.
Hard to believe a terrorist was a better man than a President of the United States, but there it is.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
12/7/13, 3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
No half staff American Flag here:
Pickens County Sheriff will not lower flag for Nelson Mandela
Geo -
12/7/13, 5:37 PM
Esteve said...
Haven't heard a word about his soul mate, Winnie. Doesn't fit the narrative of goodness and purity that we are being fed.
12/7/13, 7:12 PM
- Jess said...
When I saw the headline, I had a fleeting moment of clarity, when I realized there were so many people attending I would like to see buried with Mandella.
I can only hope. -
12/7/13, 8:06 PM
- Revernd Idaho Spud said...
The tire around Obama's neck is entirely appropriate. A whitewall. Half white, half black. A touch of genius!
12/7/13, 10:33 PM
Anonymous said...
A Communist in life. A good Communist in death.
12/8/13, 8:55 AM
emdfl said...
Maybe we'll get lucky and his plane will get sucked up by the alien mothership...??.?
12/8/13, 5:58 PM
- Wabano said...
For the oily creepo, in english it's "Peace and Reconciliation" but in Xhosa it's KILL WHITEY!
Aaaand, THAT'S RECENT!!! -
12/8/13, 9:54 PM