” |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Friday, January 03, 2014
We're talking GREEN crime here
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Tom Smith said...
Any "science" that is paid for through government grants or any other venture is not always scientific. These "scientists" are usually employed by a university and are looking to get published to keep funded. I find a mercenary to be of higher moral character for at least he is honest.
1/3/14, 3:49 PM
drew458 said...
I saw the news today, oh boy.
Obama sent $7.5 BILLION to other countries over the last 3 years to combat Climate Change.
Where? Why? Who knows? Did it do any good? Not a bit. That's why they need to send several hundred billion more. ASAP. -
1/3/14, 4:16 PM
Snackeater said...
I don't think the goal of Global Warming-I-mean-Global-Cooling-I-mean-Global-Climate-Change is simply a power grab. That will be the end result, but I think it truly is a religion. Warm-mongers are religious zealots, in the same league as Islamic jihadists (the religion of Greenpeace?), and will do whatever is necessary to "convert" the masses. And as such, they cannot be reasoned with.
1/3/14, 7:38 PM
Anonymous said...
At some point these turds (Algore is #1) cross the line from research to soliciting and taking donations and government grants fraudulently, and that is a felony most places.
The shop I occasionally design for was commissioned to built a test apparatus to experiment with generating tidal or river flow electricity. The "PhD" who "designed" it used a photocopied sample problem from a fluid dynamics text to sell his grant application, did not even bother to plug in the relevant numbers from his experimental setup, and the design was so poor that it would not even revolve under normal river flow rates. The apparatus cost about $15,000, and he received a $450,000 grant to "study" the possibilities.
When I challenged the prick, he muttered something about computational fluid dynamics and simulation, but he knew he was outed. He left in a hurry, very busy you know.
All total bullshit.
Where are the indictments and trials?
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
1/3/14, 8:55 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
I have been witness to that same sort of careless dispersal of our money by gummint grant givers. The case in point was a group of hippies who were given $1 million to design and print a brochure about solar energy. There was no questioning, no check of CVs, no nothing. I gave real thought to getting into that game, but my conscience would not allow it.
1/4/14, 9:21 AM
- molonlabe28 said...
Why on earth is anyone (including the US) spending money to retrieve and save these global warming fanatics from freezing to death on their mission to prove their silly thesis.
Let's leave them like they do on Mt. Everest when someone can't make it any further. -
1/5/14, 5:31 PM