Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

   At The Cinema                           

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel  

Watched a very engaging movie this morning:  The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel   

Quite charming, actually.  Typical British humor, tho, so you have to pay attention because you don't get any overt clues to a laugh line, and you'll miss some good ones if you're distracted.  Much of the best humor comes through sarcasm, as it often does, but considering the stage and film experience of the cast, that sort of clipped, sophisticated snark fits perfectly.  Maggie Smith is, of course, a past master at that sort of thing and demonstrates the best metamorphosis of the lot, all of whom undergo transformations of some sort.  The kid who plays the manager is perfect.

Dozens of standard cliches and stereotypes are dealt with very matter-of-factly and almost slip by unnoticed.  And since I watched it on my iMac with the big screen, the realism was in-my-face stark.  Stark snark.

I'm sure this type of bildungsroman for the aged has been done before, and they're all bittersweet and tender, I imagine.  This one strides boldly up and just gob-smacks self-pity and maudlin sentiment and all that stuff right in the kisser.

If you can download it or borrow it on disc, give it a look when you have some time and some soft snacks.  Not crunchy stuff, tho, 'cause it'll cause you to miss some of those classic lines and you'd have to go back and watch it again to pick up on 'em.  Don't think I'd want to watch it again until it's grown dim in my memory.  [Metzger]

I will be watching this later ...

(If you hate it, blame Metzger)


Rodger the Real King of France said...

The Daily Motion stream didn't work. NetFlix has it.

Anonymous said...

My wife and I enjoyed it very much.
A movie that works on characters and not special effects is refreshing, a nice switch from the usual superwomen, stupid men, CG and flaming cars spewing out of Hollywood.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

How queer...err...odd.
I found the film to be a two-hour-long, tedious, not-so-subtle homosexuality-promoting ad.

Anonymous said...

I also liked ...Marigold.... Try Memorial Day for another good 'un.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Well neither NetFlix or Amazon stream it, so it's all moot for me.

mostly cajun said...

Of course I'd watch Dame Judy Dench and Celia Imre do ANYTHING.

Couple of interesting ladies MY age.


iri said...

It was a good movie. The homosexual thing kept it from being something I'd recommend to my friends. Why do they have to do that?

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