Saturday, March 08, 2014

Buttercups in the Wooly Mammouth

Gary Larsen

It’s not necessarily a deliberate conspiracy in the sense that some people getting together in a smoke filled room and saying "we’re going to deceive people". It’s something that happens automatically within the scientific community.

So when a given piece of evidence disagrees with the predominant theory, then automatically people won’t talk about it, they won’t report it and that means that science fails to progress in the way that one would hope. - Top Documentaries.Com

Unfortunate that UFOTV® presents Charlton Heston's narration here.  However, whatever else you make of it, I think very few of us will disagree with the proposition that when "evidence disagrees with the predominant theory," then the media— erm, people— won't talk about it.  Were it not the case, we wouldn't have anything close to our current government.

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