Saturday, March 22, 2014

Da Mooshelles Do China

                                                                         STFU Michelle

Moshelle Does China

'We can't wait for this to be over, to tell you the truth,' he said in a sudden hush. 'We entertain many important people here, but this has been, I think, erm ...very different.'

 Plague Descends on Beijing
Government security forces from both China and the U.S. started Thursday to screen everyone who entered the building, including paying guests, setting up checkpoints that resemble those at airline concourse entrances.
The Secret Service's monopoly on the hotel's highest floors has meant the Westin had to boot guests with previous reservations out of their executive-level rooms.
Secret Service agents are also monopolizing hotel elevators long before the Obamas need them, added the staffer, who identified himself as a member of the concierge staff and spoke English during a phone call on Friday.
'Many of them are Asian, too, or Americans who are Asian, so you know our guests don't understand.'
Mrs. Obama's mother Marian Robinson has
been 'barking at the staff since she arrived.'

Michelle Obama and three of her family members are staying in a $8,350-per-night Beijing presidential suite, but despite a 24-hour butler and other perks that come with the lodging, her entourage has inconvenienced 'pretty much everyone' and made the hotel staff 'fed up,' a well-placed hotel staffer has told MailOnline.

Full Story

Yeah, I know; everyone's seen this, but I cannot let it pass without putting it on my recored.


Helly said...

OMG -- imagine the breakfast buffet horror with Mooch and her mother feeding straight from the hotel pans?

DougM said...

Barking … in English, prob'ly.
That kind of jackass behavior used to be known as bein' an "ugly American."
Hey, wait … mebbe this is how she behaves in the White House, and this is why Barry keeps goin' to the golf course and stuff. Dang! Hope I'm gettin' all sympathetic with the guy.
Nah, prob'ly just a Chicom propaganda stick in the US's eye. Wouldn't put it past 'em.

DougM said...

Add a "not" between "I'm" and "gettin'" up there.

Anonymous said...

I think there use to be a term for this kind of richness.

But I seem to have forgotten it.

Probably a fortunate thing.


iri said...

Got yer back jc

Anonymous said...

So every single other thing aside, does it not seem exceptionally inappropriate to bring your mother along for things like this, let alone have her posing in official photographs? There's something really strange about that to me.


iri said...

Josh, the official explanation is that the Chinese culture would appreciate the fact that grandma is on the scene looking out for and watching over the babies. I get that. But, the truth is you're not married or if you are you've not experienced what it's like to have a mother in law that's held in higher esteem than you are. That's what's going on here. She demanded to go therefor she goes.

Anonymous said...

Didn't think about the Chinese culture aspect. She just seems to be in a lot of these things, which I find unusual. One other thing, and I feel like an old fart saying it- Are those dresses really appropriate for a 12 and 15 year old, respectively? Seems like a bit of leg to show when meeting a world leader, especially as a teenager.

Or maybe I can't see past my seething anger at their father :-p


Ralph Gizzip said...

"Mrs. Obama's mother Marian Robinson has been 'barking at the staff since she arrived."

She should be careful. The Chinese eat dog.

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