scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Stripped Naked
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- Revernd Idaho Spud said...
Do we need a Valkyrie event?
3/25/14, 11:20 PM
Anonymous said...
Are the tomahawk & hellfire the ones used to whack US citizens? If he runs out, what then?
3/25/14, 11:56 PM
- gadfly said...
But Obama would not get caught dead in a bunker, now would he?
3/26/14, 1:09 AM
- Mile 66 said...
They'll end up equipping the Reapers and Predators with .22LR. That would also explain it's scarcity.
3/26/14, 8:21 AM
- Mike C said...
I am thinking that this is an indication of the sickness of the industry and their government partners. Consider that the Tomahawk entered service in 1983. It's development and manufacture got handed around the beltway contractors like a cheap floozy. Even with extensive redesign I would guess that it's components are getting more and more expensive to obtain, and it's software and control components are massively complex monsters which no one understands anymore. In addition, our opponents have had plenty of time to design systems to counter it. Thus it is time for it to step aside and let a new generation take it's place. According to Wikipedia that is the Cruise Missile XR. The burning question is what is the budget for that and how screwed up is the development and procurement?
You see this is the real problem. The defense industry is reaching a point where they and their government overseers are having problems completing the development of anything. As a case study take what happened with the EFV, the supposed replacement for the Marines AAAV amphibious assault vehicle. When I first started working on that program back in 2003 they gave me a token challenge coin proudly announcing that the EFV was celebrating 10 years of development. I could not believe the lack of shame they displayed by making such a coin! To make a long story short, the Marines ended up cancelling that program due to overruns. It wasn't so much the contractors working on it didn't have the talent or professionalism to produce a good vehicle, but the EFV got caught in a cycle of chasing newer and newer technology coupled with ever changing requirements by the Marines. I fear there are probably too many new defense systems caught in this fatal loop. With no real leadership at the executive level, there is little hope of correcting the problem.
Notice that I haven't mentioned the Hellfire. It came in service in 1984 and is subject to the same problems that I mentioned for the Tomahawk. Unfortunately, it's replacement was supposed to be the Joint Common Missile (JCM) which got canceled, and the replacement for that, the Joint Air To Ground Missile (JAGM) is 'under development'. Does anyone detect a common refrain here? -Sigh- yeah, me too. The only way out of this cycle in strong leadership forcing the defense development complex out of these non-productive cycles. Is there a prayer that the current commander in chief is capable of such leadership, or that the dysfunctional Congress can bring focus via budgeting guidelines? I am thinking not a chance in hell.
One real answer is the complete privatization of the armed forces. There are already an amazing number of contractors on our ships and on the front lines, so it is not too much of a stretch to imagine this as the next logical step. With that, the companies would be responsible for their own R&D, perhaps accepting technology feeds from such incubators such as DARPA. Again, this is not much of stretch given that they are already doing all the development anyway. What would be different is that with the cost internalized, they would have to become more efficient and lean in their weapon system design. The real 'right' systems would get fielded, and inefficient designs that cost the company money would not be tolerated. It is something to think about... -
3/26/14, 8:28 AM
Anonymous said...
The Beacon story disappeared right after I read it. . .
American Thinker story is still up at this moment.
--mech -
3/26/14, 9:11 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
That's odd, but I relinked it to the WaTimes who picked up the story.
3/26/14, 9:19 AM
Helly said...
I figured this out. Local SWAT teams are too dumb to learn how to use these missiles. So what's the point of making them anymore?
3/26/14, 10:42 AM
Anonymous said...
Mike C. - Well said.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
3/26/14, 10:58 AM
Anonymous said...
"Romanov......... Bonaparte........ Mussolini..... _ _ _ _ _ "
Answer for a Thousand -Anymouse -
3/26/14, 5:49 PM
- lip said...
3/28/14, 2:24 AM