Sunday, April 06, 2014

"Fascists" by any name ...

Dear gay rights militants, dear progressive tyrants, dear liberal fascists, dear haters of free speech, dear crusaders for ideological conformity, dear left wing bullies:
You will lose.

I know you’ve got legions of sycophants kowtowing to you these days, and the rest you’ve set out to destroy — but you will lose.

You found out that the CEO of Mozilla gave a few dollars to support a pro-traditional marriage ballot measure several years ago, and you proceeded to publicly tar and feather him until he was forced to ‘resign’ in disgrace.
You again chose to forgo debate, in favor of coercion and bullying.
You again attempted to end the ‘gay rights’ argument by defrocking your opponent.
Hey, good for you.
Enjoy the spoils of your cowardice.
It won’t last.
You will still lose.   [...]
Don’t you people read? Haven’t you learned anything from history? ‘Advancements’ earned through tyranny never endure. You can only win a debate by suffocating your opposition for so long. Your strategy is doomed for failure, because it has always failed.
In the name of ‘fighting for the freedom to love,’ you’ve utilized hate. For the sake of ‘tolerance,’ you’ve wielded bigotry. In order to push ‘diversity,’ you’ve been dogmatic.
You are everything you accuse your opponents of being, and you stand for all the evil things that you claim they champion.
You are exposed. We see you for what you are: a force of destruction and division.
You showed your hand, and now you’ll lose the game.
It’s inevitable.  [... Matt Walsh Full Post ]

A fascist by any other name ...


Kauf Buch said...

A truly EXCELLENT rant.

Skoonj said...

They have screwed themselves badly. Now, when a company is faced with the possibility of hiring a homosexual, they may have to think that in the future, that homosexual may be an activist. He or she may target the company for alleged slights against the LGBT community. Why take the chance? Why not just not hire them in the first place.

Snackeater said...

Outstanding--makes me want to donate to the cause as well. Chris Muir is right--they are "the gaystapo."

You must wear the ribbon!

Anonymous said...

Gaystapo = Kweer Klux Klan

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