scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Friday, April 04, 2014
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
Overall, he got WAY lucky! It looked like only the door was trashed.
Tim -
4/4/14, 10:57 AM
- David aka True Blue Sam said...
Tough lesson, but a very lucky man to have no-one injured or killed. I knew a couple back in the '70's who's Ford popped into reverse while it was running. It ran over the man once, breaking both his legs, and it ran over his Mrs. twice, killing her. He tried putting his life together, but suffered a fall at work, and smashed both legs again. Whiskey finished him off.
Put it in park and turn off the damn motor. -
4/4/14, 11:39 AM
- Wabano said...
"He"? "man"? Long hairs, fat ass, purse? girl's pants? Only a woman or a twink can be THAT clumsy, abandoning the truck to get the purse...
4/4/14, 1:00 PM
Anonymous said...
God forgive me for laughing my a$$ off at someone else's misfortune, but in my area, FredEx sucks big time for service and I won't use them unless absolutely necessary. Many's the time I've stood at the door looking out watching them coming up the steps without the package, but with the door tag already filled out.
But in fairness, that was probably the little hand-held compooter/scanner they use that the driver dropped, and not his/her purse.
Sir H the Comet -
4/4/14, 5:05 PM
Helly said...
That is very funny.
BTW, Surveillance Camera Man is back and things are getting ugly. -
4/4/14, 10:25 PM
- Chris in NC said...
I love the way the one dog jumps sideways over the other at the 15 second mark then they start wrestling stopping just to watch the show.
4/5/14, 1:40 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
"BTW, Surveillance Camera Man is back and things are getting ugly."
Good. The dudes's out of line and peace loving as I am, I'd punch his lights out too. Kick him in the balls Helly; if he hits you back then he shall have attacked a pretty girl and all public hell will descend upon him. -
4/5/14, 10:03 AM