scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Friday, April 04, 2014
Katie Kane offered Barn Army commission
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
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Anonymous said...
Yet again I am murderously sad I'm not 25 or 30 again.
Pics #16 and 21 are the best in the gallery.
Sir H the Comet. -
4/4/14, 9:54 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Strangely ,my first thought was how disruptive her presence would have been in my 1960's Army. Jealousies; end of friendships; people hating me because I won ...
4/4/14, 10:29 AM
- DougM said...
Keep 'em flying, AdmCdr darlin'.
[/VictorMcLaglenVoice] -
4/4/14, 11:01 AM
Anonymous said...
You hit it on the nose Rodger. Men and women can do most of the same jobs in the military. Women are not (as a group) up to the rigors of combat. But that is not where the problem lies. Men and women distract one another. And nothing will ever change that. And a distraction in a stressful situation is bad.
Tim -
4/4/14, 11:03 AM
iri said...
Women, homosexuals and chicks with dicks are the face of the new American military. No wonder there are so many suicides. Disgusting.
4/4/14, 11:51 AM
Anonymous said...
That's right iri, and you can't even get drunk in the club and duke it out anymore.
Casca -
4/4/14, 2:31 PM
Anonymous said...
Josh -
4/4/14, 2:31 PM
Anonymous said...
Based on my time in the largest tactical fighter squadron in the Marine Corps (VMFP-3), chicks have no place around anything mechanical. It is not innate. I knew one female that actually worked for real on the flight line, she was also a plane captain (crew chief). The rest ended up doing paper work, usually ended up married to the Gunny, pregos, light duty, and promoted MUCH faster than the guys that were busting their ass to meet the flight schedule.
The other memory this brings back: Deployments to Air Force Bases. Ooh Rah those Air Force women. God bless em they just love those nasty Marines. We destroyed a lot of E-clubs and a few Marriages. Got kicked off some noteworthy bases. What a time. Phantoms Phorever! -Anymouse -
4/4/14, 2:57 PM
Helly said...
chicks have no place around anything mechanical.
Funny, I was about to say the same thing about dudes. Based on my decades of experience diagnosing mis-installed mechanical systems in buildings. The fundamental problem is males don't seem capable of reading instructions. -
4/4/14, 10:32 PM
Anonymous said...
Reading instructions, asking directions. We are capable, its just unmanly.
4/5/14, 1:14 PM
drew458 said...
Katie Kane? Oh brother. And she's what, 19, maybe 20? I gotta agree with Sir H, though not with his choice in pictures.
And she's got the entire US Army to pick mates and dates from. Sucks to be the only really cute girl around, don't it? -
4/5/14, 2:17 PM
drew458 said...
Army, Air Force, whatever. I'm sure if a destroyer ran aground near her base, all the sailors would hit on her too.
4/5/14, 2:20 PM
Anonymous said...
My first thought was: does Mommy know what her 14-yr-old daughter is up to?
Kim -
4/5/14, 2:47 PM