Wednesday, April 30, 2014


  Check your privilege at the door whitey    

There is a phrase that floats around college campuses, Princeton being no exception, that threatens to strike down opinions without regard for their merits, but rather solely on the basis of the person that voiced them. “Check your privilege,” the saying goes, and I have been reprimanded by it several times this year.”

He’s 20, he’s white, and he’s a freshman at Princeton University.

According to the ethnic and feminist studies college students and professors who frequently and vehemently complain that this country is steeped in racism and sexism and is only fair and just and equal for white, heterosexual males – he is the poster child for so-called “White Privilege.”

His name is Tal Fortgang, and just eight months into his Ivy League experience, he’s been told on numerous occasions to “check his privilege” – a phrase that has taken social media social justice campaigning by storm.

It is meant to remind white, heterosexual males that they have it so good because they’re white, heterosexual males. They haven’t faced tough times, they don’t know what it’s like to be judged by the color of their skin.

Oh, but they do. [Full]

Can anyone add anything that's been left unsaid about all this?   I don't think so.  After six years of Obama my mind's done been blown away.  What?  You're a masocist?  Okay.

Thanks, thoR!


Anonymous said...

You always take the simple and put your own spices on it and tre magnifique!!


OregonGuy said...

Worthwhile checking out today's "The Bleat."

OregonGuy said...

Er, yesterday's.


toadold said...

Heh, "Harvard, Dartmouth See Number of Applications Plunge"
Male student population is dropping at all the walk on Universities. Jr. Colleges that offer what amounts to trade school education or certificates in a technical field are doing OK. After parents become aware of how the LBGT crowd wants to change Muffy into a lesbian you'll see a drop in female applicants.

drew458 said...

and all the comments at the article are like "it doesn't count, he's a joooooo!!!"

molonlabe28 said...

This guy is great.

He is smart (certainly smarter than me), he is articulate, he has a pair between his legs, and he is unwilling to let a bunch of academics define his history or his character.

It's too bad that these qualities are seldom seen in GOP candidates, because I can think of several elected positions I would like to see this guy assume.

Kind of a good antedote to Sandra Fluke, who can't understand why here Catholic (okay, Jesuit) law school doesn't want to pay for her birth control (I know, I wouldn't do her either, but I am not a liberal Birkenstock-wearing, Outback-driving Beta male who would find her attractive).

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