scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Rep John Lewis- Donk All-Star
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
What's that word? Oh, right, schmuck.
7/31/14, 9:16 AM
Jason in KT said...
I missed that olive branch--is that what it's called when you walk into a room and give everybody the finger?
7/31/14, 11:16 AM
Anonymous said...
I think Lewis was the same lying, racist, partisan hack who claimed he was spit on while walking with Pelosi of The Giant Gavel
He conveniently overlooks that Buraq Hussein Uhbama has made a career of insulting Republicans directly and by name, the Tea Party (who are mostly Republican 'teabaggers') and our mostly Republican military by neglect (corpseman? referring to "the dead some of whom are standing here before me", having an F-22 moved out of a hangar where he spoke to the people who fly and maintain it) enough to receive the title of Sultan Insultus.
In one speech way back in 2011, he said that Republicans “need to do their job.”
“They’re in one week, they’re out one week,” the president said. “And then they’re saying, ‘Obama has got to step in.’"
“You need to be here,” he added sternly. “I’ve been here. I’ve been doing Afghanistan and bin Laden and the Greek crisis. You stay here. Let’s get it done.”
What Obama was whining about was the House’s schedule, where they spend two weeks in session, then another off where they can go back and spend time listening to their constituents. (Their job, actually)
Speaking of doing one's job, he has 180+ rounds of golf and 395+ fundraising trips on our dime, about one every four days of his presidency, all the while stuffing his cavernous maw full of food his wife says is bad for us.
Eat shit, Lewis, you lying racist bastard. Maybe someone actually should have spat on you.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick
7/31/14, 12:52 PM
- Murphy(AZ) said...
All I can say in his case, is log Twice Before Hanging. You can't fix STOOPID!
7/31/14, 2:26 PM
- Murphy(AZ) said...
That should have been "FLOG' trice, but if you have something in mind involving "logs," I'm open for discussion!
7/31/14, 2:28 PM
Tom Smith said...
That olive branch never made it to the back of the bus where I was sitting for the last 6 years.
7/31/14, 8:04 PM
Anonymous said...
This is the same idiot that threw a shit-fit at Darrel Issa in a hearing a couple of months ago. And he has irrational delusions that he is important???
Maybe, just maybe, to the immediate members of his family, bot surely not anywhere in the halls of Congress!
Scottiebill -
8/2/14, 11:46 AM