Some Pondering
I thought it would have any impact at all or even GET to Feinstein, or
Boxer, or Pelosi, or ANY useful idiot in either house of the
legislature, I'd send this list of questions: - Ron Metzger
I wanna know
Which reminds me.
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Hey, it was all there
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
bocopro said...
The list isn't my original; I merely edited and added to it.
And as Denny has said several times on his blog, we knew more about Sarah Palin's history and family within seven days after McRINO picked her as his running mate than we've found out about Soetoro in over seven years. -
8/14/14, 7:04 PM
Anonymous said...
How about that pesky Indonesian citizenship, and in what US consulate is his oath of allegiance upon return to the USA filed?
Hawaii might not be far enough away for him to hide after he leaves office and his trail of wreckage left behind becomes more apparent.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
8/14/14, 10:24 PM
- Jess said...
At this point, most don't want to know. They feel like the Eskimo with a half dozen freezers being delivered, winter about to arrive, and hoping their neighbors won't notice.
8/15/14, 8:29 AM
Anonymous said...
"Forget it Jake, It's Chinatown."
firefirefire -
8/15/14, 8:44 AM
- Cracker Barrel Philosopher said...
Michelle's senior thesis is online. She asked a bunch of black Princeton alumni a bunch of goo-goo questions.
8/15/14, 2:28 PM
Anonymous said...
You forgot;
How did he afford to attend (altho' he claims he was stoned all the time)one of the most expensive private schools in Hawaii, Punahoe.
Storyteller -
8/15/14, 6:02 PM
Anonymous said...
The problem isn't where the dumb shit was born or where he went to school.
the problem is where he has been living for the past 5 1/2 years. -
8/16/14, 7:10 PM