Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Horowitz- Take No Prisoners

"If there was a single book to add to the swag-bag for the attendees at the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Take No Prisoners is the book."

 J Christian Adams from PJ Media has written a rave review of David Horowitz's latest book, Take No Prisoners: The Battle Plan for Defeating the Left, saying it is a must-read for Republicans if they want to win in 2016.

"Ten pages into David Horowitz’s new book…I realize putting dog-ears on pages with important quotes for this review is hopeless. I’ve placed a dog-ear on every page. By the end, the whole book might be dog-eared," Adams writes.

At the root of this strategic mistake is the belief among many Republicans that the two parties still share the same goals, but have divergent ways to get there. News flash: Democrats like John F. Kennedy and Scoop Jackson no longer exist. The Democrats have been taken over by messianic progressives seeking to craft the world in their own image.
Adams suggests that the book be handed to every attendee at the 2016 Republican National Convention in order to "reverse a string of electoral losses" that have plagued the GOP.

"Take No Prisoners is about how Republicans have dropped the ball on writing the national narrative, and how they can get it back by crafting words and tactics that counter the left’s mastery of the process," he writes.

Adams reminds readers that no longer do Democrats like John F. Kennedy and Scoop Jackson exist and that Republicans ought to stop thinking they share the same goals. "The Democrats have been taken over by messianic progressives seeking to craft the world in their own image," he writes. Adams uses a quote from Horowitz's book to further highlight this point:

Republicans do not hope to change the world. They are too mindful of the human catastrophes that have been brought about by those who do.

Audio and text samples-
Take No Prisoners: The Battle Plan for Defeating the Left
PJ Media Full

Horowitz is for Americans what today's Democrats would have if Rush Limbaugh turned Progressive


Anonymous said...

For the Repubs and our sake, I hope the book comes with a whack from a cluebat to get the drones' attention first.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

It is so simple it hurts. All they have to do is run a conservative.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

The GOP despise and fear conservatives more than they do the Democrat Party.

rickn8or said...

GOP convention 2016 will be two years too late.

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