scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Monday, September 01, 2014
You will be made to care
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
The ultimate arrogance is to believe the is no higher power.
Tim -
9/1/14, 1:03 PM
Tom Smith said...
Only person more dogmatic than a country, Baptist preacher is an atheist. Ones experience with the spiritual side of a person is enough. I tend to be still and let those that dont understand squawk on and enjoy the sound of their own hollowness.
9/1/14, 1:26 PM
- Jess said...
It would all be philosophical, if their fear hadn't led them to the attempt to destroy those that tolerate and prosper.
They'll have hell to pay if the Christians finally just say: "I've had enough" and react to the persecution with violence. They're resourceful, gather as family and will be an opponent that strikes fear in the heart of their enemies.
The world will be a better place if they just leave them alone. -
9/1/14, 2:48 PM
Tom Smith said...
Nice Jess. Had a guy tell me once that when Christ returns He will be looking for a group of angry men. Fact is Christians are getting a bit weary of the bullying but thats what we do.
9/1/14, 4:18 PM
iri said...
"Only person more dogmatic than a country, Baptist preacher..."
Hey! I resemble that remark. It's a good thing too or I'd have a hundred notches on my sixteen gun right now.
9/1/14, 4:36 PM
Helly said...
i My husband and I love the idea of the university, a place of libraries and lawns, a space set aside to grapple with the most vital questions of truth,...
STOPPIT. Champaign brunch is not the new persecution. Today, throngs of Christians are being crucified and beheaded and exiled into barren hills. Yet these pampered retards think they are suffering for their faith?!? Really Rodge? Can you tell us how many bullets the Wedding Cake Crusaders have taken in the back for the love of Christ?
i Only person more dogmatic ...
Have to agree, Tom. Though preachers may be strident on occasion, you just can't get an atheist to shut up about religion. -
9/1/14, 4:38 PM
molonlabe28 said...
God has revealed Himself in my life at every juncture my entire lifetime.
Atheists and agnostics, to me, are lost.
9/1/14, 4:38 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
"you just can't get an atheist to shut up about religion."
I would qualify that with "movement atheists," then yes Helly. They are nihilistic evangelists. -
9/1/14, 8:45 PM
Anonymous said...
When SCIENCE tells me the full and complete value of pi . . . .
I will acknowledge the value.
Till then, anything science can state, but not explain opens a door
thru which all the unworthy are reluctant to enter. -
9/1/14, 10:41 PM
Anonymous said...
For those who believe in God no explanation is necessary. For those who do not believe, none is possible. ― St. Thomas Aquinas
9/2/14, 11:48 AM
Anonymous said...
How long before we start hearing about our leftist government fighting discrimination due to "Christian Privilege"?
Vlad-The-Inhaler -
9/2/14, 9:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Insofar as I am concerned, a man may believe any damfool thing he is of a mind to. So long as he does not come after me with force or coercion to make me [or others] do anything about his beliefs, I will stand for his right to believe as he wishes.
That, to me, is Civilized Behavior; admitting that none of us knows the Ultimate Answers but each seeks them in his own way, in his own time.
The journeys of others are none of my business, unless we both choose to discuss them.
But I suspect that those who are preoccupied with the journeys of others are neglecting their own.
e~C -
9/2/14, 11:55 PM