Provoking Racial Unrest |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Monday, October 20, 2014
Obama's Racial Revenge?
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
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- Wabano said...
Ahem...the Iroquois were evil in that they mostly fought on the anglo side...
Remembered in Canada as genocidal maniacs...they were thanked for their efforts by getting kicked out of the USA to Canada where they are still troublesome...now they are better known for their building of New York's skyscrapers. -
10/20/14, 2:23 PM
drew458 said...
1638? Newbie. My 'cestors got over here in 1635 with Reverend Hull.
Oh, and germs were barely conceived of in those days; it wasn't until the 1800s that they were proven to cause disease.
And while the Five Nations had a peace treaty, they hardly had anything you'd call representative government or democracy. -
10/20/14, 2:42 PM
Anonymous said...
My immigrant ancestor arrived at Jamestown in 1608. The Virginia Company didn't fool around with smallpox blankets, because they hardly had any blankets. They did shoot injuns as necessary though, and the injuns massacred whole settlements from time to time as they saw fit.
They weren't "feelings" then; just survival of the fittest.
I sure would like to confront the "educator"*spit* who put that bilge on that poor kid. I hope the kid's father did.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
10/20/14, 9:22 PM
David said...
My ancestors didn't get here until the early/mid 1800s and they had to travel all the way to the Dakota Territory to find any natives to get uppity with...
10/21/14, 10:24 AM
Anonymous said...
Wabano, If memory serves me right, it is the Mohawks who were the steeplejacks who built the NYC skyscrapers. Perhaps the Iroquois are a branch of the Mohawks, like there are a number of branches of the Sioux nation. But, I was born and raised in the western U.S., so really don't have a lot of knowledge about the eastern Indian tribes.
Scottiebill -
10/21/14, 10:53 AM