scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Monday, November 17, 2014
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- Chris in NC said...
I believe in God too. Love Him dearly. Try to do my best according to what He laid out through his Son Jesus. However, to say that the universe revolves around us when we can trace the movement of several galaxies moving with us and away from us as well lays that out cold. If you take the Bible at it's literal, then we're only a few thousand years old. That can be disproven just based on the millions of years it takes to make oil deposits. This just strikes me as a desparate attempt for people who feel science threatens their religion when it in no way does. God created everything. Ok, how? Why not a big bang? Why not swirling dust forming planets?
Besides, I seriously doubt we're the only cowboys in this rodeo. I wouldn't doubt somewhere there's a race made of non carbon life and other things we can't begin to understand that God just does in His spare time out of boredom when he's not sending duck billed platypuses to mess with evolution theories or telling idiots like Pat Robertson to run for president. -
11/17/14, 12:17 PM
Anonymous said...
When God created Adam, did he create an infant, or did he create a brand new adult with the appearance of age? Couldn't he have done the same with the universe?
--Anon2112 -
11/17/14, 2:49 PM
- Chris in NC said...
Anon2112, God can do what ever He darned well pleases. That's why I don't disagree with you. He created adam from dust. Poof there he (adam) is. He could have created the Earth from dust in a blink of an eye or he could have swirled gases and dust for a bazillion years or heck, He could have grown it in His garden and it's still not ripe yet. What ever. I don't know or care. What I don't like is people trashing science because they feel threatened by it. It's wrong when the global warming nazi's do it and it's wrong when Christians do it.
11/17/14, 4:39 PM
Anonymous said...
I know this article appeared in World Nut Daily but it really belongs in The Onion.
Let's start with the claim that the Bible says "in the beginning God created ..." Sorry but the original texts actually translate as "In the beginning GODS created ..." The plural is not a typo - it's the correct translation.
11/17/14, 6:11 PM
Tom Smith said...
So this guyhttp://www.setterfield.org/ proffered a theory that the speed of light has changed since the beginning of time and was lauded as a brainiac until he applied it religion and made some claims that supports the young earth view. He was then shunned. A scientist is more dogmatic than a backwoods preacher and will get quite nasty defending a theory.
11/17/14, 8:02 PM
Anonymous said...
JoeDaddy says: Go to 'geoengineeringwatch.org' Try and unlearn what you will learn there. Satan has hiz earthly helpers...spraying us like lab rats. Altering weather patterns and reducing population. Chemtrails. Look up. Piedmont NC is one big tic-tac-toe grid for these insane people.
11/18/14, 8:35 PM