The Obamissariat |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Friday, November 14, 2014
Krauthammer calls for Inpeachment
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
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Not unless we find a way to impeach Biden at the same time.
- 11/14/14, 9:24 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
A false argument, I think, from the get-go
1. There is no right way to do the wrong thing; allowing Obama to shred our culture for fear that Biden will be worse is the wrong thing for a responsible society to allow.
2. Obama was elected only because of, aside from the obvious leftist strategy, white guilt; and has been allowed to have his way through protection from by the media, and, ironically, fear of change.
3. Biden is no less idiotic than Obama, but he's white and goofy as hell. Not a chance he would be allowed to use the EO like Obama has; He will be seen as just another stupid white guy and there will be no perceived threat of rioting when he's smacked down by the GOP congress.
4. Did I say impeaching this poseur is the right thing to do? - 11/15/14, 7:55 AM
Not unless we find a way to impeach Biden at the same time.
1. Dopey dumb leftist though he is, I don't think Biden hates the USA as founded like Uhbama does.
2. Biden has lunch with Dear Leader every day. He might be impeachable as a co-conspirator.
3. AsRodger pointed out, not being the brightest bulb on the tree, it should be doable for a strong repub makority Congress to rein him in, and if he goes too far, impeach him too.
Just because there's a hard road ahead doesn't mean America should not do the right thing. and BTW, that's NOT racist.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick - 11/15/14, 4:55 PM
"...perceived threat of rioting..."
I think it's about time we stopped worrying about the perceived threat of riots. Stop cowering that the mean bullies might set fire to their neighborhoods and burn down their businesses. If the dumbasses expand their destruction outside their "community" limits, I think they'd find some real pushback. A rifle behind every blade of grass.
And if there are riots, we need to round up those who suggest/recommend it (Jesse, Al, whomever) and lock them up during the investigation while we sort these things out. You know, protective custody since some terrible person might try to do them harm.
I am SO tired of these threats of riots.
(Name withheld to protect the innocent) - 11/16/14, 1:38 PM