we have met the enemy and ... |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Friday, February 27, 2015
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
When asked for comment, former blog-god Kim DuToit responded "Meh, serves ya right for owning a fi-fi poodle-shooter" -Anymouse
2/27/15, 9:12 AM
- Kim du Toit said...
LOL... even funnier is the fact that I have about 1,000 rounds of .223 in my ammo locker -- and I don't even own one of those silly AR-15 things.
As any fule kno, I prefer my AK-47 for those "awkward" moments (and have much more 7.62x39 ammo on hand).
And I note that people seem to have forgotten all about National Ammo Day... which was designed to be a preventive measure against government activities like this latest nonsense. But did people listen to me? Noooo. Now everyone's running around panic-buying, when they should have had enough to outlast any ban.
And I get absolutely no satisfaction from saying all this.
-- Former Blog God -
2/27/15, 12:58 PM
- rickn8or said...
Some of us listened to you Kim, but thought Ammo Day shouldn't be restricted to only one day a year.
2/27/15, 1:55 PM
Anonymous said...
The last year I have enjoyed just walking by the case in my WallyWorld and seeing some of each for sale. Except of course for the mythical .22LR -Anymouse
2/27/15, 2:36 PM
Regnad Kcin said...
In John Ringo's most excellent "Black Tide Rising" series about the Zombie Apocalypse, 14 yr. old Faith (SheWolf)Smith was a prolific zed eradicator. Her well-known dislike of the .223 "Barbie" guns was due to their inability to drop the Zombs in their tracks. Her quote: "The day this country went to Hell happened when they quit making guns that killed baddies and made weapons that only wounded them." My M1 Garand and 1800 rd. stash are ready for whatever comes our way. It don't mean a thing if ain't got the 'Ping'!
2/27/15, 3:45 PM
Rip Tide said...
" Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats." - H.L.Mencken -
2/27/15, 7:42 PM
- Skip said...
1000 ea. 5.56, .308, 7mm, 8mm, 30-06,
.45,.9mm, .357, and enough iron in each to stock the neighbors.
'cause 'Merica! -
2/27/15, 8:28 PM
- Chadd said...
Regnad - you wouldn't happen to be a Barfly, by any chance?
Chadd in FL -
2/27/15, 8:52 PM
0007 said...
Used ~ 2100rds of 7.62X51 at our MG shoot last weekend. Only have ~15K left. I guess I'll have to send another 5K of brass out for reloading...
2/27/15, 9:27 PM
Anonymous said...
We haven't forgotten National Ammo Day. It became National Ammo Year, and now it's looking like National Ammo Decade.
2/27/15, 9:37 PM
Darrell said...
"Blogger Skip said...
1000 ea. 5.56, .308, 7mm, 8mm, 30-06,
.45,.9mm, .357, and enough iron in each to stock the neighbors.
'cause 'Merica!"
Piker. ;^)
November 19, National Ammo Day, is also KDT's birthday, isn't it? -
2/27/15, 9:37 PM
- Kim du Toit said...
If they're getting upset about the "armor-piercing" .223 poodle-killer ammo, I wonder what they'd think of my steel-core Hirtenberg 6.5x55mm Swede, which can go through an engine block like it's cheese, at 500 yards...
2/28/15, 10:24 AM
Anonymous said...
Thanks to Kim ^ I still smile whenever someone mentions a 9mm. The Europellet!
Tim -
2/28/15, 6:12 PM
Regnad Kcin said...
Hey, chad in fl: Just got back from the range and saw your reply. No, I'm not a Fly. I only imbibe to make lower caste like you more interesting. So, clean the soot out of your flue and wise up. Sack up and get with the program....
3/1/15, 4:26 AM
JMcD said...
GOP Ghost Fish:
Even if you don't always see what they're doing, you always detect them and ask, "Hey...what the hell is that fishy smell". -
3/1/15, 8:16 AM